Chapter One

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Death Save The Strawberry


Five months after the winter war, everyone in the living world has advanced to the second year. The story starts with Inoue sweeping her brother's grave, and what she tells her brother about how everyone's doing. Inoue herself is working at a sweet shop called ABCookies. The reason for this was because she always looked so happy whenever she frequented this shop, to the point where people on the street started asking her where she bought the stuff. Business got better and the store owner decided to hire her.

Uryu is substituting for Ichigo as substitute shinigami. Urahara originally wanted him to take over the job, but Uryu believes that Ichigo will not be willing to remain powerless and will definitely gain his powers back, so he's only substituting for him for the time being.

Also, Uryu became the student council president during the last semester of his first year. This is because the previous president, Keigo's sister Mizuho thought that he looked like a student council president the first time she saw him, so she came to his apartment and gave the sleeve-thing to him. Although he was unwilling at first, Mizuho was persistent and when she mentioned that the student council president could buy things for half price at the school store, he gave in... This is how he became student council president.

Sado has started to learn boxing. The reason for this is because he critically examined his own abilities after the war, and thought that his foundations weren't as strong as those who had trained before like Ichigo, Uryu, and the shinigami. That was why he wanted to start again from the beginning.

Tatsuki was the same, her experiences made her instantly raise the amount of training she did. She always trained until very late. When it was time for finals, adding studying to it all made her not get enough sleep and end up with dark circles around her eyes. Inoue tells her not to try so hard, since Tatsuki says that she only got second place at last year's competition because her right hand was broken. Otherwise she could've even beaten up the boys. However, now that Tatsuki's seen Ichigo and the others fight, she's discovered that she can't beat anyone, so she wants to get stronger and not have to experience anything like that again. Even if she doesn't become strong enough to protect anyone, she won't be deluded anymore either.

Inoue had been in Soul Society during the one month when Ichigo was in a coma, helping them heal. When she went back to the living world, Unohana gave her a spirit phone, so she is able to talk to everyone in Soul Society. So from then on she kept in touch with them.However, Ichigo's been extremely bored ever since. At school he would always stare at places where spirits used to appear, but he couldn't see anything at all. He's tried to convince himself that this was the life he'd wanted all along, forcing himself to smile. Inoue was at first very relieved that he lost his powers, since he wouldn't get hurt anymore, and because she always felt extremely hurt whenever he got hurt. But now faced with an Ichigo like this, she doesn't know what to do... At this time, Rukia sends a text, and Inoue decides to go ask her for help.

The Death Save The Strawberry - BleachOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora