Chapter 4

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A million thoughts were running through Farris's head as he focused on his combat training.

"Your Highness? Maybe it's best if we ended our training a little early today?"

Farris looked up at Braeden who was holding his sword loosely by his side. As his usual training partner, Braeden could tell when Farris was not focused and sparring in this state could potentially harm the prince. Farris nodded mutely and was escorted back to his room. Eris was back in the kitchen and likely won't be seeing him again until tomorrow at the earliest.

The walk back to his room was quiet, too quiet.

"Will he really be beheaded in the town square? That seems a little ... brutal." Farris tested the waters. Though it is brutal, it is normal for someone suspected of using magic. Surprisingly, it was Tristan who replied first.

"There's no mercy when you're at war, Your Highness."

"But we're not at war." Farris immediately countered.

"Not... officially, Your Highness."

"What do you mean by that?" Farris stopped and turned around, giving the two knights his undivided attention, though Braeden was strangely silent.

"We might not be experiencing the Great War but our ongoing disputes with rogue mages will not end anytime soon. As long as there are magic users out there, the kingdom will continue to hunt them down."

Farris didn't like the wording, but he couldn't disagree with Tristan.

"What if he isn't a rogue mage?" Farris was on treacherous waters but he truly did not know how to proceed with his current predicament.

"Then... what else will you call him, Your Highness?" Tristan inquired, looking him straight in the eyes with a neutral expression. Farris forced his lips to curve and turned around, resuming his walk to his room.

"You're right, Sir Tristan. I'm thinking too much. I haven't truly experienced war firsthand and hearing my father mete out such a harsh punishment was unexpected."

"No problem at all, Your Highness. As someone who's been at the forefront of war, I'll be happy to answer all your questions and assuage any concerns you may have."

Farris pondered his words as they arrived at his door.

"Then, do you think the sentencing is fair?"

"Your Highness?" Tristan looked slightly uncomfortable, his shifty eyes a testament to his feelings. After all, the crown prince is asking him if he finds the King's decision fair. How does one answer such a question?

"Of course, Your Highness. Using magic harms both the user and those around them. The King is fair in his judgement."

The monotonous reply was expected. Farris simply smiled and nodded, before entering his room. Braeden and Tristan took their posts on either side of the door. It was silent for a while before Braeden finally spoke up.

"I hope you don't take His Highness's words too seriously. While he's well read about the war and knows what it entails, he's unaccustomed to the true brutal nature of it."

Tristan hummed his agreement.

"I believe it's good for the future King to question the nature of things. Even if he ends up making the same decisions as the King, he has the makings of a great ruler. He's not blindly following those who came before him. Queen Amaranth would be proud."

Braeden stayed silent, feeling extremely uncomfortable with this conversation. He didn't know the full story behind Tristan's reassignment but he suspected the knight had at least some bitter feelings towards the King for his decision. The last thing they needed was news to spread about the crown prince disagreeing with the King when it comes to matters pertaining to the mages.

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