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Okay, so this is going to be from Lucas's pov so enjoyyyy!!!

"Bro seriously? Emma Watson?" Nico asked me as we went outside to smoke a bit. "We both know why I did it, plus she was hot," I say indifferently. I didn't really care about who I kissed as long as those amber eyes burned through me. Seeing her so angry and sad made me so damn happy. Why? I don't even know myself. I stopped trying to understand myself long ago, but damn, I love making her angry. Anastasia Solvoyov...

"Stop it, Lucas; we both know you did this to annoy her," Nico added. Fuck, he knew me too well for my own good. "Maybe..." I admit with a grin as he starts laughing with me. "No, but seriously, was she even a good kisser?" He adds in between puffs. "Who?" I ask as I turn my head toward him. "Emma, dumbass, the girl you kissed, might I add, literally sucked the life out of her mouth like an hour ago or something?" He is clearly annoyed now. "Oh her? Yeah, no, she isn't really a good kisser; she kept biting my lips so hard I thought I was about to bleed," I say, and at the same time, me and Nico look at each other before we burst out laughing.

After having a smoke, both of us decided to go on a walk or something since our classes don't start until 9 a.m. and it was currently 7:45. "So, how are your dad and stepmother?" Nico asks me, and that immediately gets a scowl out of me. "Really? You mean the pedophile and the bitch? Yeah, no, they are well, unfortunately." For some context, my father divorced my mother about 2 years ago and then remarried, like 2 months after the divorce, which led to my mother committing suicide. I will never forget the empty eyes that stared through me while hanging on a rope when I first walked into her apartment. And I will never ever forgive my dad for that because, as if it isn't enough, my stepmother is 2 years older than me, and when she first moved in, she tried to take advantage of me while my dad was on a business trip, which resulted in me defending myself, and her go and whine to my dad about it, who beat the shit out of me in results. At the end, I had a broken arm and a concussion. Great dad, no? For him, face is everything, so he made me come to college and take some management classes to take after his business. Stupid bastard.

"And you and your parents?" I asked Nico as I turned my head toward him. "As usual, always sucking the dick of my cousin because he was valedictorian or some shit I don't remember; I was too high that day," he says nonchalantly, as if this were something normal.

After our walk, we decided to go to class and chill a bit before the lecture started. As we arrived, the health majors were taking their stuff out, probably at the end of their lecture. I looked around to see some free places as my gaze landed on her. There was the girl who made me hate life even more, Anastasia Solvoyov.

As I kept my gaze on her, she suddenly turned her head, and her gaze bore into mine. God did she look angry, and it only made me happier, and I couldn't even help the grin that made its way on my face before she flipped me off and walked away with her friend.

Me and Nico sat down to start our lecture, and god was this annoying. I don't even want to be here, fucking old man. I swear, one day, I will literally kill him and enjoy every fucking second of it.

Three hours later, our lecture finally came to an end as me and Nico made our bags and walked out of the auditorium feeling sleepy as fuck. Luckily, it was our only class of the day; the rest of our professors were absent, so we had the rest of the day to ourselves, and now, nothing sounded more inviting than my bed to sleep in it. "Nico wants to go back to my place and crash? I asked as I finished putting my stuff in my locker. "Fuck yeah, I'm tired as hell," he said as we made our way out of campus and on our motorcycles.

A few minutes later, we arrived in front of my apartment complex. I had to admit that the only good thing about having a rich father was that, at 20, I had a penthouse in the middle of the city.

We got out of the elevator as I opened the door to my apartment, and we stumbled inside because, of course, in the meantime, we had time to get high again. Nico stumbled into his room. Yes, we are roommates, which is pretty great, to be honest. I crashed in my bed and immediately blacked out, my clothes and shoes still on.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible headache, probably due to the booze and drugs. I groaned as I got up and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I walked over to Nico's room to find him still asleep, so I made my way out to go get some aspiring for when he wakes up. I go into the residence's garage and take my bike before speeding off into the cold city.

I was at a red light when I saw her again—the biker that I saw last night who was wearing pajama pants. She waved at me as I waved back, and we fist bumped again. Her curly hair was sticking out of her helmet. I felt like I had seen it somewhere, but maybe it was just a hunch because a lot of people have curly hair, and a lot of girls do, so it's probably nothing.

The lights turned green as we sped off in our separate ways, my mind still lingering on the anonymous biker.

I got back home and saw that it was around 1 a.m. So I decided to just put the aspirin on the table and watch some TV while I waited for Nico to wake up, which normally should be soon enough.

About 30 minutes later, he finally woke up, and god did he look rough. He sat down next to me and drank the aspirin, and we started talking.

"Dude, I forgot to ask you, but how are things with your ex, Rune?" I asked, and that just got me a glare out of him before he sighed and leaned back further into the couch.

"She still hates me to this day, and to be frank, I don't care," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.


"I mean, it's understandable; if I were her, I would hate you too," I said as I leaned back into the couch.

"Whatever it's not like, I'm still in love with her or something," he added coldly.

"Well, it seems we both have our own nemesis," I said with a grin as I thought about her. God, she makes my blood fucking boil?

"Well, me and Rune, it's understandable, but you and Anastasia? What even happened?" He asked as he got closer to me.

Right, I never explained why I hated Anastasia so much. Well, she brought it upon herself by humiliating me on her first day as a freshman in college.

"Nothing, really, don't worry," I quickly lied. I wanted to deal with Anastasia myself. God, if she could be mad at me 24/7, I would be the luckiest man on earth. Why do I keep loving her hate? It makes it easier for me to hate her back—nothing else. 

OKAY THIS WAS CHAPTER 2: WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??? Any theories on what Anastasia could have done? Anyway, I know the chapter isn't really long, but it was made like that because I want to keep him a bit more mysterious. Anyway, I hope you guys liked the chapter!!!!


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