Chapter 1

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"So you are telling me, you can't join us for tomorrow's music fest by any means?!" Naressa, my best friend raises her brow and scowles at me, walking past our school hallway

" i guess." i reply shrugging and stopping beside my locker to keep my course books.

" What do you mean by 'NO, I GUESS'??? clearly you are missing out the most iconic music concerts, our school will be holding for ages and that too for what, so that you can babysit your 20 years old house, for god's sake!!" By this time, every student in the hallway halts in their steps and throw a glance at our direction as i sigh and eye my bestie who counters  back, throwing draggers at my direction.

Yep, that's me. Taegan. And the person lecturing me, is my best friend since elementary, Naressa Ivors. Bold and classy in her own aura. People think she is mean and bitchy towards everyone but only people closer to her and who knows her well enough, can figure out that she is a total cutie-softie, at all rights reserved! And about that sarcastic comments, she is passing towards me for the past 20 minutes....Well maybe she is isn't wrong. Getting a chance to witness our school bands, and random students perform and sing for freaking 5 hours straight would be the biggest ideal concerts any school could hold. After all, this the day  you can forget you are a final year junior highschool student and dive in the era of music and dance. BUT....dang. i need to babysit...uhhh! i mean look after my house, taking away this lifetime chance. Today, my parents are living for a business tour with a family friend of my father, to Thailand and since my mid terms would start in a week, i can't go with them. So my mother came up with this 'Perfect solution'. She told me to stay back and study and look after our house, while they are gone.           

"Tae!!! that's two targets with one arrow! You can study all by yourself and we wouldn't have to worry about our house, left behind too" My mother squealed with excitement this morning at breakfast, while delivering this news to me. And of course luck decided to test me more. Mr. Rodrigo, principal of our prestigious 'Aadven High' school decided to drop bombs this morning, at assembly, as well. He decided to host the biggest music festival our school would witness for ages, tomorrow. SO moral is, while people would dance and sing at the top of their lungs, i would be sitting in my room, at my house and doing S-T-U-D-Y-IN-G! Sometimes i want to kill the person who invented studying. But well, i can't. Because he is already dead! 

Naressa's low pitched exhaling sound makes me take a reverse u-turn from my thoughts and glance at her.

" there must be a way that you can attend this concert, can't there be?" Naressa asks with hope in her eyes. 

" I am afraid there isn't" Naressa rolls her eyes hearing me. "Well, you got to listen to me. Don't you think, i want to attend this concert? i surely want to! There can be my idol, Taylor Swift's songs as well and i am fucking missing this. But there's nothing i can't do about this"

" What about your relatives? Your sister? Ask her. She can help you out!" Naressa proposes

"Carol's busy with her new project. There's this new foreign company who wants to launch new designer purses. All the workload is on her shoulders, at this moment. And not to mention, Sarang's just started her kindergarden. I can't burden her with this"

"TAEGAN DAVIES, all i am asking you is for one single day! You can't even give that day to me! Imagine the opportunity of meeting so many people in the school concert. People you didn't even meet before!"

Well that's a reason i did not want to go. I hate crowds and attention. I mean what's good with knowing every single person in the whole school campus? Nevertheless, it could cause you into more trouble. Imagine, getting into a scandal, and you are popular?? I mean that's one of my most dreadest nightmares, coming true! But maybe i could have survived a day of music fest but.....

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