Chapter 1 : first day

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Authors note:

Heyyy this is my first wattpad so sorry about any mistakes hope you enjoy and have a nice day 😘



"Honey did you put all your books in your bag?" my mum shouted from the room over, I rolled my eyes and shouted back through a mouthful of cheerios "yes mum" an obvious groan in my voice.

"Ok ok darling, I'm just worried because it's your first day" my mum said peering into the kitchen wrinkling her nose when she saw the necklace I was wearing.

"Do you have to wear that"

"Wear what?"

"That necklace, isn't it a bit boyish?"

"I can wear what I  like mum and grandad said it would bring me good luck" I grunted still shoveling cheerios into my mouth. My grandad on my dad's side had given me it while my parents were still together, saying it used to be my dad's, it was one of the last things we owned of his so although it was more a chain than a necklace I kept it.

"Whatever just hurry up we have 9 minutes"

* * *

10 minutes later and we were in the car  travelling to aspire heritage high some fancy school my mum had found, when we arrived my mum leaned over gesturing for a hug and I fought back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Mum I'm too old to hug you"


"I'm 15" I groaned


I moaned and returned a stiff hug to my mum "bye mum" I muttered and tried to open the door of the car finding it was locked, "mum the door?" , to which she replied "aren't you for getting something?"

I sighed "love you mum"

"Love you too, have a good day hun" she called, but I was already out the car.

I walked up to the school gates turning around to see my mum still there waiting for me to go inside,

Mum I'm too old for this

She saw me looking and waved cheerily, and I stepped inside 

As I walked in people glanced at me but most ignored the fact that I existed.

What a great start

An enthusiastic girl bounced up to me as I got to my class,

"Hey I'm Aurora, your new here right?" she said a bright smile on her face and she held out her hand for me to shake, I took her hand cautiously and replied "uh yeah I am, I just got here, I'm Jade" .

She beamed back at me.

"Great I have a feeling we're gonna be friends"

I smiled back at her not quite sharing her enthusiasm.

* * *

It turned out we had all the same classes and I soon found out about her friends and was introduced to her friend group, and she walked me to all my classes saying I would probably do the same for her if she was new.

When i finally was on my own I wandered to my newly claimed locker (aurora helped me choose it)

I was sorting it when a boy walked into me making me drop the pile of books I was shoving in.

Several landed on his foot.

He looked up at me apologetically and,

Oh. My. God those are some pretty eyes and that hair, how could someone get it so silky?,

I must of shown some of the shock in my face as he then looked at me quizzically raising an eyebrow, and grinned saying " checking me out already?, we've only just met"


Another author's note :

Hey I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

Please comment any suggestions or ideas for future chapters

And don't forget to vote

Luv you guys byee 👋

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