Chapter 1

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Soobin wasn't the party goer type. He hadn't been to a party since he was around 8 for his cousins birthday.  His mother and father made sure of that, he made the mistake of asking for a party once.

"Father, could I go to a party with my friends tonight?"Soobin asked, fidgeting with his thumbs. "Pardon?" His father responded sternly.

Soobin gulped and lowered his head. "Do you think you deserve to go to a party? You got a 98 on your last test." Nathaniel replied, walking over to his scared son.

"It was out of 100 father. I swear I'll try harder next ti-" Soobin couldn't finish before he was slapped around the face with a harsh hand.  "How, DARE you talk back to me.

This is not how I raised you Soobin, go to your room now." The angry male shouted. Soobin hurried to his room,, stumbling up the stairs.

So yeah, no parties. Soobin had always been the perfect boy, perfect grades, perfect girlfriend, just perfect everything.  He'd always wanted to rebel, but he never could.

What happens when he meets Choi Yeonjun?

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