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Year 2010

In mid-April 2010, excitement rippled through as news of Starlight  Entertainment's auditions spread like wildfire. Aspiring young girls from all walks of life, with dreams as vast as the sky above.After days of intense auditions, Starlight Entertainment announced the selected few who would embark on a journey to become part of their first girl group.

Starlight Entertainment, a relatively new player in the industry, announced auditions for their very first girl group. Despite being a smaller and less established company compared to the industry giants, the news sent ripples of excitement through the hearts of aspiring idols across Korea, Japan and China .Starlight Entertainment, though young, had steadily built a reputation for being a stable and supportive agency over the past two years. Their dedication to nurturing talent and providing a nurturing environment for trainees had garnered respect within the industry, even if they hadn't yet produced a debut group.As the auditions kicked off, hopefuls from all backgrounds poured their hearts and souls into their performances, fueled by the promise of a chance to debut under Starlight Entertainment's banner.

Ari, a girl with dreams as big as the sky, had always harbored a passion for music When Starlight Entertainment announced auditions in her hometown, she knew it was her chance to shine.Ari stepped onto the audition stage, her voice trembling with anticipation. As she began to sing, her soulful voice filled the room, captivating the judges and leaving them in awe of her talent. When the final results were announced, there was no doubt in anyone's mind-Ari had claimed the top spot with her mesmerizing performance.For Ari, being ranked first in the audition wasn't just a validation of her talent-it was a ticket to chase her dreams with unwavering dedication. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, she accepted Starlight Entertainment's offer to become a trainee, knowing that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges and opportunities.

Luna, with her luminous smile and graceful demeanor, never imagined that a chance encounter would change the course of her life forever. As she walked down the bustling streets of Seoul one afternoon, lost in her thoughts, she was approached by a man who exuded an aura of confidence and authority-the manager of Starlight Entertainment himself.Intrigued by Luna's natural beauty and radiant presence, the manager struck up a conversation, his keen eyes recognizing the potential for stardom hidden within her. With gentle persuasion and genuine enthusiasm, he convinced Luna to audition for Starlight Entertainment, promising her the opportunity to chase her dreams and showcase her talent on a grand stage.
Though hesitant at first, Luna couldn't ignore the spark of excitement that ignited within her at the manager's words. With a leap of faith, she agreed to became a trainee, her heart pounding with anticipation and nerves.

Noa, with her ethereal beauty and a voice that seemed to transcend time itself, had always dreamed of sharing her talent with the world. Growing up in Japan, she spent countless hours honing her craft, pouring her heart and soul into every note she sang.When Starlight Entertainment announced auditions in Japan, Noa saw it as her chance to turn her dreams into reality. With determination burning in her heart, she stepped onto the audition stage and poured her soul into her performance, leaving the judges spellbound with her mesmerizing voice and undeniable talent.When the final results were announced, there was no doubt in anyone's mind-Noa had claimed the top spot with her captivating performance. With tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, she accepted Starlight Entertainment's offer to become a trainee, knowing that her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined.As Noa made her way to Korea to begin her trainee journey, she was filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Stepping into the halls of Starlight Entertainment's headquarters, she felt a sense of awe and wonder at the opportunity that lay before her.Under the guidance of experienced mentors, Noa threw herself into her training, pushing herself to new heights and embracing every challenge that came her way. Despite the language barrier and the unfamiliarity of being in a new country, she found solace in her love for music and the camaraderie of her fellow trainees.

Year 2011

Yui, a girl with a fire in her soul and rhythm in her heart, had been dancing since she could barely walk. From the moment she took her first steps, she was drawn to the beat of the music, moving with a natural grace and fluidity that mesmerized all who watched her.Growing up in china ,  yui found her passion for dancing blossoming at a young age. With each pirouette and every leap, she poured her heart and soul into her craft, dreaming of one day sharing her love for dance with the world.When Starlight Entertainment announced auditions in China, yui saw it as her chance to chase her dreams and make her mark on the world of K-pop. With a confidence born of years of dedication and hard work, she stepped onto the audition stage and unleashed her passion, dancing with a fervor and intensity that left the judges in awe.When the final results were announced, there was no doubt in anyone's mind-Yui had earned her place as a trainee at Starlight Entertainment with her electrifying performance. As she joined her fellow trainees at Starlight Entertainment's headquarters, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins. Surrounded by like-minded individuals who shared her passion for music and dance, she knew that she had found her second family.

Suka, Growing up in the vibrant city of Osaka, she found solace and inspiration in the art of rap and the creative process of producing music.From the moment she penned her first rhyme, Suka knew that she had found her calling. With a passion that burned brighter than the neon lights of Osaka, she poured her heart and soul into her music, using her words to tell stories and express the emotions that stirred within her.When Starlight Entertainment announced auditions in Japan, Suka saw it as her chance to showcase her talent and take her passion for rap to new heights. With confidence coursing through her veins, she stepped onto the audition stage in her hometown of Osaka and unleashed her raw talent, spitting bars that left the judges in awe.When the final results were announced, there was no doubt in anyone's mind-Suka had earned her place as a trainee at Starlight Entertainment with her electrifying performance. With a sense of pride and determination burning in her heart, she packed her bags and boarded a plane to Korea, ready to chase her dreams and make her mark on the world of K-pop.As Suka settled into life as a trainee at Starlight Entertainment's headquarters, she found herself surrounded by a diverse group of talented individuals, each with their own unique strengths and passions.


As the sun set over Seoul in the spring of 2012, a sense of anticipation filled the air at Starlight Entertainment's headquarters. Inside the practice rooms, the final five girls, affectionately known as the "aces," poured their hearts and souls into every dance move, every vocal riff, and every rap verse as they prepared for their highly anticipated debut.Together, the five girls formed a formidable team, each bringing their own unique talents and strengths to the table. Under the guidance of their mentors, they worked tirelessly day and night, pushing themselves to their limits and beyond in pursuit of perfection.
In the hallowed halls of Starlight Entertainment, whispers circulated about a group of trainees who were hailed as the "hidden gems" of the company. These mysterious girls had been training tirelessly behind closed doors, their talents honed in secret as they prepared for their debut.As the anticipation reached a fever pitch, the girls themselves remained shrouded in mystery, their identities kept under wraps by the company. But behind the scenes, they worked harder than ever, pouring their hearts and souls into every aspect of their training as they prepared to make their mark on the world of K-pop.


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