arts in you

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» she found someone who loves arts
» 1248 words
» note at the end of this story
» happy 400+ readers ;)


In the serene countryside of New Zealand, Kim Minji, sought solace from the bustling city life.

Surrounded by the picturesque landscapes, she found inspiration in every corner, her camera capturing the beauty that surrounded her.

Minji spent her days exploring the rolling hills, capturing the vibrant colors of the flowers and the majestic views of the mountains.

She would spend hours immersed in her art, painting the landscapes with delicate strokes of her brush, or penning down her thoughts into heartfelt poems and stories.

One day, while wandering the streets of Auckland, Minji stumbled upon a quaint coffee shop nestled in a corner. Intrigued by its cozy atmosphere, she decided to step inside. As she sat sipping her latte, her eyes fell upon a girl, lost in thought at a nearby table.

Drawn to her aura of quiet contemplation, Minji couldn't resist the urge to capture her essence through her lens. With practiced skill, she discreetly snapped a photo, the click of the shutter barely audible amidst the soft hum of the café.

Emboldened by her curiosity, Minji approached the girl, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "Excuse me," she said softly, "I couldn't help but notice your serene presence. Would you mind if I take your picture?"

She looked up, surprised by the unexpected request. However, the warmth in Minji's eyes put her at ease, and she nodded, a shy smile playing on her lips. As Minji captured the girl's image, she couldn't help but feel a sense of connection.

After exchanging pleasantries, they found themselves engaged in a heartfelt conversation, sharing stories of their lives and dreams. In that girl, Minji found a kindred spirit, someone who shared her love for art and adventure.

"So, you do arts?" The girl asked.

"Yes, I'm quite passionate about various forms of art," Minji replied with a smile. "I enjoy painting landscapes, taking photographs, and writing poems and stories. It's a way for me to express myself and capture the beauty I see in the world around me."

"That's great! I'm enjoying them too!"

"That's wonderful to hear!" Minji exclaimed, her eyes brightening with enthusiasm. "It's always refreshing to meet someone who shares a love for art. What kind of art do you enjoy?"

"I love painting landscapes and writing. Sometimes I took photos."

"That's fantastic," Minji replied, nodding appreciatively. "Painting landscapes is such a beautiful way to connect with nature and express its vastness and serenity. Do you have a favorite location or type of landscape you enjoy painting?"

"I'm particularly drawn to painting scenes of rugged coastlines and serene mountains," the girl replied with a wistful smile.

Minji nodded in understanding, her admiration for the girl's passion evident in her eyes. "I can imagine how breathtaking your paintings must be," she remarked sincerely. "There's a sense of freedom and adventure in capturing such scenes on canvas. It's as if you're inviting others to experience the same sense of wonder that you feel when you're surrounded by nature."

Her smile widened at Minji's words, a spark of excitement lighting up her features. "Exactly," she exclaimed. "I strive to convey not just the visual beauty of the landscapes, but also the emotions they evoke within me."

As the conversation flowed effortlessly between them, Minji felt a deep sense of connection with the girl in front of her. In their shared love for art and nature, she discovered a kindred spirit whose presence enriched her own creative journey.

"If it's okay with you.. can I see the pictures you took?" The girl asked.

Minji thought for a moment before agreeing. "Of course," Minji replied with a warm smile, touched by her curiosity. "I'd be happy to share my photographs with you. In exchange, you'll show me your arts. How does it sound?"


"Deal." With a flick of her fingers, Minji retrieved her phone from her purse, navigating to the gallery where she stored her treasured snapshots of New Zealand's countryside. As she scrolled through the images, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in each photograph.

The girl's eyes widened in awe as she gazed at the stunning landscapes and vibrant scenes captured through Minji's lens. "These are incredible," she breathed, her voice filled with admiration. "You have such a talent for capturing the essence of each moment."

Minji's cheeks flushed with pleasure at the praise, grateful for the opportunity to share her passion with someone who appreciated it. "Thank you," she said humbly. "It means a lot to me."

As the exchange continued, the girl reached into her bag and retrieved a small portfolio of her own artwork. With a sense of anticipation, she carefully laid out her paintings and sketches before Minji, each one a testament to her love for capturing the beauty of nature.

Minji's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the other girl creations, each stroke of the brush and pencil imbued with a sense of emotion and depth. "Wow," she whispered, her voice filled with awe. "Your art is truly breathtaking. You have a gift for capturing the soul of the landscapes you paint."

The girl smiled shyly, her cheeks tinged with a hint of color. "Thank you," she murmured, her eyes shining with appreciation. "It means a lot coming from someone as talented as you."

As they continued to admire each other's work, they felt a sense of connection blossoming between them.

"We've been talking for so long, but we haven't introduced ourselves yet." The girl chuckled.

Minji chuckled softly, realizing the oversight. "You're absolutely right," she said with a warm smile. "I'm Kim Minji. It's a pleasure to finally formally introduce myself."

The other girl returned the smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "And I'm Delia. Delia Evans." she replied, extending her hand in greeting. "It's lovely to meet you, Minji."

As they shook hands, a sense of familiarity washed over them, as if they had known each other for much longer than just a few hours.

"I would love to spend more time with you right now, but I need to go now." Delia apologitacally began to gather her belongings.

Minji nodded understandingly. "I understand."

"But here," Delia quickly wrote down something on a piece of paper before handing it to Minji. It was her phone number.

"I would like to see the sunset you captured with you one day." Grabbing her backpack, Delia flashes one last smile at Minji.

Minji's heart fluttered with anticipation as she accepted the piece of paper. She felt a surge of warmth at the thought of sharing one of her cherished moments with Delia, watching the sunset together in the company of a newfound friend.

"I would love that," Minji replied, her smile mirroring Delia's. "Thank you for sharing your number. I'll be sure to give you a call."

Delia's smile widened at Minji's words, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'll be looking forward to it," she said eagerly. "Until then, take care, Minji."

With a final wave, Delia slung her backpack over her shoulder and made her way to the door, her presence leaving a lingering sense of warmth in the air. As Minji watched her go, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected encounter that had brought them together.

As she tucked Delia's phone number safely into her purse, Minji knew that their paths would cross again, their shared love for art and nature binding them in a bond that transcended time and distance.

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