Chapter 2: Roomates

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Third Person POV:
Alastor had just finished his radio broadcast. He was now leaning back in his chair, sipping coffee out of his 'Oh Deer!' coffee mug. The silence was relaxing, and it gave Alastor time to think.

He placed his coffee cup down on his dark oak desk, sighing a little. So Lucifer was staying at the hotel now. What was the reason? To annoy Alastor? To get closer to Charlie? Did something happen at the palace and he didn't want to stay there anymore? So many questions and not enough answers.

After a few minutes of thinking, Alastor heard footsteps approaching behind him. He snapped his neck to look behind him, a sickening crack filling the air.

He saw Charlie, who winced at the sound of the crack. "Hey, Al." She said nonchalantly, but also nervous. She was afraid to what Alastor would say when she told him the news.

"Hello, Charlotte. How are you this fine morning?" He asked politely, sipping his coffee.

Charlie smiled tensely. "I'm doing great, thanks for asking." She stayed silent for a good minute before she laughed uncomfortably. "So.. Al,"

Alastor looked up from his coffee, raising and eyebrow, though still with his usual grin. "Yes, my dear?"

Charlie avoided eye contact with him as she said the next thing. "So, since my dad has no room to stay in, he'll be staying in your room. With you."

Alastor nearly choked on his coffee. What did she just say? His smile faltered for a split second, before he put it back up into a strained grin. "Pardon?"

Charlie chuckled a little. "Yea.." She fiddled nervously with her fingers, waiting for the worst reaction possible.

Instead, Alastor stayed silent. Him and Lucifer. Roommates? Really? Was she on drugs?

That's when it hit him: this was just a joke.

"Oh, Charlotte dear, you're so hilarious." Alastor laughed, sipping from his coffee.

Charlie laughed as well, but hers was more uncomfortable. "I- uhh.. Well..-" she stammered. Oh dear, this would be hard for her to explain.

Alastor tilted his head rather violently, his neck making a sickening cracking sound. "Is something wrong, my dear?" He asked sinisterly.

Charlie took a small but noticeable step back. "I- uhh-" she chewed het lip nervously. "I'm not- joking."

Alastor choked on his coffee, slamming the cup onto the desk, small splatters of the dark liquid splashing onto the table. He coughed for a minute, before regaining his composure. He gave the blonde haired princess a strained smile. "I'm sorry?"

Charlie sighed heavily. "Come on Al! He had no where to stay."

Alastor laughed. "I do not see how that should affect me. Send him back to his palace. Make him sleep on the streets, for fucks sake." Alastor said coldly, a strained smile still plastered across his face.

Charlie groaned. She didn't want to have to, but she figured she should. "Alastor, as the princess of Hell, I.. I demand you to let my father be your roommate for at least two weeks." She said firmly, feeling bad that she had to do this.

Alastor was unfazed by this. "Alright. No more than two weeks, my dear. And I am not required to speak to that privileged bitch."

Charlie huffed, blowing a piece of her blonde hair out of her face. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" She mumbled to no one in particular. After a second, she sighed. "Fine. But I don't want you two killing each other, okay?"

Alastor smiled wider. "I shall not make any promises. But for you, Charlotte, I guess I shall try." He began to stand, brushing the sleeves of his suit off.

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