chapter two: arrival

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The harsh sun washed out most colour on the planet, that was the first thing she took note of. She'd been informed of this aspect of the climate on Giedi Prime and was still ill-prepared for the desaturated monochrome that spread like a plague over the entire horizon.

It was an ugly plant. Colourless, soulless, and utterly devoid of anything that might make a person feel at home. She pitied the people born here. She pitied herself, for this was to be her final resting place eventually. The thought of dying surrounded by nothing but fading colours and industrial buildings under that harsh sun put a sick twist in her stomach.

How was this wretched place even habitable?

She and Gaius were escorted by the Spacing Guild off the landing platform where a handful of Harkonnen servants waited. In front of them she recognized Piter de Vries, the Baron's mentat. A predatory look in his eyes. She took in his perfect posture and focused aura that gave an air of professionalism, but upon further inspection she saw him: the unnatural blue tint of his eyes and fidgeting of his hands told her he was high, or coming down from one. A mentat consuming spice melange on the job was certainly a security risk for any Great House. A poison that only killed once you stopped taking it. She stored the information away for later use.

"Reverend Mother, allow me to welcome you back to Giedi Prime."

Gaius met him with a flat stare.

"And I assume this is the Miss Anastacia." Electric blue eyes locked onto her, she could feel him take her apart with his gaze alone. He looked back to Gaius and smirked. "How nice of you to bring us a gift."

I'll have to look out for that one, she thought. But the punishment for killing something as valuable and expensive as a mentat was something even the Bene Gesserit may not be able to shield her from. She would have to be tactful. Persuasive, as the Reverend Mother said.

"Hold your tongue or I will see it removed from your mouth," Gaius said. "Someone of your station shouldn't joke about stealing from your masters."

Anastacia felt sick at the insinuation. Technically she was not even engaged, nothing legal had transpired yet, only talks and negotiations, and yet everyone else spoke of the ordeal as if it was already finalized.

"Steal?" He drew the word out. "You misunderstand me, woman. I was only thanking you for delivering the young lady all this way. We know how busy you are."

This creature has no respect for her. He doesn't know that she could make him claw his own heart out of his chest if she wished it, she thought. How dangerous stupidity is.

"That I am, do not waste anymore of my time, mentat."

"Allow me to escort you to the palace." Piter directed them to a waiting ornithopter, which would take them straight to the home of the beast she was meant to wed.

The views of Giedi Prime from the sky were not any better than the ground, and she was relieved to be off the aircraft at last. Harkonnen's piloting her and the Reverend Mother hundreds of feet in the air, the possibility of crashing and killing them if he desires it.

She should not think such thoughts. Her fear was gaining on her lately, digging its claws into her, trying to get a foothold. She couldn't let it. The illusion was the prospect marriage, the gift of a bride, but she was here to work. She couldn't work with fear clouding her mind.

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