Chapter 3

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"The mind of a serial killer is normally composed of..." and my head nearly hit the desk the moment Mr. Salazar started.

I don't know why I bothered coming to classes today anyway. I stayed up all night making sure Jennie wasn't seriously hurt or something. I don't get why I continued staying up when the docs said it was just a minor concussion. I guess it's just my guilty conscious not letting me sleep because I put her in that condition in the first place.

But when I got back to my dorm, I had like three cups of coffee before taking a long nap since my government class didn't start until around noon. I walked Jennie back to her dorm just in case some other flying ball or damn idiot came out of nowhere but right after I returned to my own.

That's it. After this class, I'm heading to that cafe with the magical coffee that can keep anybody awake for weeks. The last time I had their mocha, I was able to pull an all-nighter and pass my history of law enforcement test. There's going to be another one about our government soon so I'm going to need that magic coffee.

I sure hope the boss doesn't remember me and kick me out the minute I step foot inside though. I made a mess the last time I was there because of something I rather not remember. It was a rough time for me. I hated how I acted. I regret every moment of it.

I lost someone special to me that time and haven't spoken to them since then. I've only been keeping tabs on them through my other friends who forgave me for being such an idiot.

"Hey Lisa," a soft poke in my side returned me to this dimension.

I glanced at my friend, a guy with brown hair "What cha want, Bam?"

"It's not what I want," his eyes were glued to the front of the classroom. "It's what Mr. Salazar wants."


"Manoban," the professor cleared his throat, causing my own blood to run ice cold. "Are you with us again?"

"A-aye sir..."



"Welcome to the Leaf Cafe," I gave the young couple a warm smile. "How may I help you today?"

I pinned in their coffee all the while ordering Daniel, the eighteen-year-old boy, how to make the drinks. The poor guy was rushing back and forth fulfilling my orders and our boss'. Hey, best way to train a new worker is to make him do everything. He's doing a good job of it, too.

"Will that be all for you?" I asked.

"Yes," the boyfriend handed me his credit card.

As I finished the transaction, my boss grabbed my sleeve, "Hey Jen."

I blinked at her, "What is it?"

"I really," her petite face morphed into a puppy one, "really need to pee so can you handle the next customer in line?"

She was gone before I could say anything else.

"I can help wh-"

Oh... no.

The familiar blonde hair caused me to almost hide behind the giant coffee machines we had. What's she doing here?! Seoul University students aren't allowed here, except me because I'm an employee. We had a giant sign hanging in the window, too. Did she really completely ignore it and went in without a second thought.

She hasn't spotted me yet! Lucky me, she didn't know what she wanted to drink. I could run out back and make Daniel take care of the transaction.

"Daniel," I turned to the boy frantically.

He looked at me, eyes widened, "What is it, Jennie?"

"Have I trained you on the register yet?"

Daniel shook his head, "Not yet."


I looked at the customer once more. Her focus was still on the menu above my head.

I need to leave like now!

"Alright, I'm ready," she finally said.

Too late...

"Hey, can I get the peppermint mocha, please?" the customer said, literally a few inches from me.

I was hiding my face behind the computer screen, my heart beating at such an intense speed I was afraid it might stop at any minute now.

Please don't notice me, please don't notice me.

"Excuse me, miss?" the confusion in her voice evident. "Are you alright?"

A soft tap on my shoulder nearly made me jump.


"Jennie?" the customer repeated. "As in Kim Jennie?! Hey! You work here, Jennie?"

Cover blown. Mission failed.

I took two breaths before lifting my head to face the too attractive to be true customer, "H-hey Lisa."

Almost immediately, her cheeks grew a little pink, "Damn, I need to start getting use to be called that."

Act casual Jennie, "So w-what can I get you today?"

"Before that," Lisa blinked once. "Why were you hiding from me?"

"O-oh uh," think Jennie, think! "I was j-just checking if I had enough change, that's all. It's been pretty busy today."

Lame Jennie, lame! She's not going to buy it. No way she's going to buy it! She thinks you're some rude weirdo who hides from people she knows and doesn't bother to greet them!

"Really? Are you getting your breaks? Don't overwork yourself especially with that minor concussion," she said, pulling out her wallet from her dark jeans.

Now that I didn't expect.

"My break is in a few minutes," I replied. "And I told you already, I'm fine. Thanks for the worry though."

"A few minutes, huh?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Perfect! I'll be right there," she pointed to a table for two by the window.

No way.

"And until then," she glanced at the board again. "I'd like the medium peppermint mocha."

I turned to Daniel, but Lisa held up a hand, "Made by you, Jennie."

You can't be serious.

"B-but Lisa -"

"I'll wait for you," she gave me her credit card, a goofy smile spreading on her lips. "No matter how long it takes. I'll wait for you, Jennie."

Peppermint Mocha - Jenlisa AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now