Chapter 29.

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Emerson's POV

I walk out of my room and go searching through the house. Reece and Atlas are out doing something. I think it's mafia things but they didn't confirm or deny. Griffin and Saint are out with friends. Knox and Leon are somewhere. I walk in and find Blaine in the kitchen leaning on the counter scrolling around on his phone. 

"Hey Blaine can I talk to you?" I ask looking at him. 

"Sure." He stands up putting down his phone. 

"I'm struggling with something." I pause before finishing my thoughts. 

"OK, is it something to do with school?"

"No, school is fine."

"Talking again." He suggests. Since I talked in front of the school Reece has challenged me to talk more and around people. 

"No, that going fine. I've been able to talk at school to a small group of people."

"Has someone said something?" 

"No, it's personal," I tell him. 

"Ok, so how about you just describe something to me instead." 

"Well, when I'm around Valencia I get all nervous and can't stop staring at her. She's so pretty you know. Like I want to talk to her but I can't but not like before like before. I can talk I just can't get any words out." I tell him breathing out a heavy breath. 

He looks at me before smirking. 

"What?" I ask him. 

"I think you have a crush on Valencia," He continues to smirk. I can feel my eyes widen. A crush? 

"There's no way. Sure she's pretty and I feel all weird when she smiles at me. But it's not a crush." I stare at him only to find that stupid smirk still on his face. 

"Tell me, Emerson, when someone other boy talks to her you ever dislike them but don't know why?" 

"No, she doesn't talk to a lot of people."

"Ok what about that new kid, James was it? Heard they've been getting close, maybe they'll start having movie night together." I hate that. Movie night is our thing, we have one every weekend and most of the time during the week. 

"Maybe he'll even get her drinks and Sour Patch Kids." He continues on. I can't help but respond. 

"She doesn't like Sour Patch Kids, she's more into chocolate," I tell him. He nods pursing his lips. 

"Right, what about her drink what should he get used to making?" 

"Shirley temples, and they're not going to be having movie nights." I finish telling him halfheartedly glaring at him. 

"I don't know you sound a little jealous Emerson." 

"How do I get over a crush?" I ask him, he laughs at me before realizing I'm serious. 

"You don't just get over a crush. You either tell her about it and hope she reciprocates. Or you keep it hidden and eventually it might go away." 

"What should I do?"

"I can't tell you. You have to decide that for yourself."

"What if she doesn't like me?"I ask quietly looking at the ground. 

"You are always gonna run that risk. I can tell you that she doesn't despise you." I look up at him. 

"What do you mean?" 

"She smiles at you but no one else. She lets you touch her no one else can. You guys have movie nights that neither of you skips. She talks to you, and despite you never responding she continues to talk to you more than she does to anyone else. All of those point to her not hating you." 

I nod and walk out after a few minutes of silence. I still don't know what to do. If I tell her she could like me back or could never want to see me again. 

How long could I be her friend with this crush and her not notice? 

I just don't want to lose my friend. 

I sit in my room staring at the wall for who knows how long before I get an idea. Veronica and Valencia have become pretty good friends. I'll call her to see what she thinks. 

I pull out my phone search through my limited contacts and click on her name. I bring the phone up to my ear and listen to the anxiety-ridden ringing. Finally, she picks up. 


"Hi, Veronica I have a question." 

"Of course Emerson, ask away." She says chipper as can be. 

"Do you think Valencia likes me?" I ask her not trying to hide my intentions. 

"Likes you in what way?" She asks me. 

"I find out that I have a crush on her. Do you think she likes me back in that way?" I ask her not really sure what I'm hoping for her answer to be. If Valencia doesn't like me I can move on and pretend this conversation never happened. If she does like me back I have no idea what to do next. 

"Wow, ok. Umm, we haven't really had a serious conversation about this but I know Valencia thinks you're attractive and she was really thankful when you stood up for her the other day."

"What should I do then?" I ask, I feel like a female opinion is better than Blaine's. 

"I think the best thing for you to do is to ask her out on a date."

"Okay, I can do that but how?" I hear her laugh echo over the phone. 

"Just be direct. Straight up ask her if she wants to get dinner as a date with you."

"That'll work?" I ask sceptical. 

"It's your best chance. Just make sure you ask her in private she won't like being asked in front of people or where someone could overhear." I nod along with her. 

"Where should I take her?"

"Somewhere casual, not too fancy. Try a nearby diner." 

"Okay thank you for your help."

"No problem Emerson. Don't worry about telling me how it goes Valencia will do it for you." I hear her giggle as I hang up. 

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