Chapter 3

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Sleep came far from easily to me. That night was cold, the last winter's final lament before it relented to spring. My blankets provided little shelter from the air. Growing up north, I used to be far more resilient to freezing temperatures but that was a long time ago. I sat up only because I could not rest in one sitting, though I was not awake. I couldn't see my bedroom, but I could feel it, hear it...I saw my dreams before my eyes as my body was split between consciousness and rest. The room shattered like glass, but it wasn't a figment of my imagination. I heard horrid banging similar to a heart to ribs- it was under the floorboards, downstairs. I jolted awake, the darkness overcoming my eyes. Creaking sounds drew closer and closer. It was too late for the maid to be here. That meant someone who did not belong was in my house and I was sitting in my nightwear. I took a deep breath and grabbed hold of the chair sitting by my desk, and I slid it under the doorknob. The handle jiggled but could not open. I just had to be quiet and pray they would go away. "Doctor Black" a voice most similar to nails on a chalkboard howled and taunted me. "I know you're in there. You're not very good at hiding...Open this door or I'll break the damned thing down"

"I do not know who you are, but I do not welcome you here. I warn you I am...armed!" I clamoured to grab the nearest weapon I had: a hard-covered book. The door rattled and banged and for a moment I felt as if it would give way. Then all went quiet. Perhaps the man had given up, I thought until I heard grunting and that eerie voice again "I haven't the time for this, Black. Now, Dr. Jekyll said-"

"Jekyll?" I repeated "Jekyll sent you?" I bit my lip and hesitated. There are a hundred flaws I possess and survival instinct was one of them. Now if a man breaks into your home, I suggest you call for authorities, scream out the window, arm yourself, and do not do what I did here...I pulled the chair from the door and opened it.

The first thing I saw was his bloodied feet, glass stuck from his pale, almost yellowed skin. Dirt and grime covered the bottoms as well as translucent shards that drove in further with each step. Glass shards pierced his skin with red oozing blood coming from the five fragile swords. His toenails were long and jagged, untouched for far too long. His arms and legs were spindly and thin like a skeleton, hid body not much taller than I. His hair coiled around in unbrushed strands of black, his lips thin and chapped with teeth ungroomed for far too long. There was something wrong with him, but I couldn't place a finger on it. It was human, but unnatural. His gaze shot into mine, this young man and his sickening appeal stepped close. His body reeked of liquor- a fine scotch by the scent of it. He growled "About damn time" the more I stared the more questions I had. "You are bleeding"

"Only a cut...or two" His eyes scanned my hands, amused by my choice of protection. "A book?" The vulture began to circle me, my eyes warily followed behind. He had me boxed into the centre of my room. With each step he took towards me, I took back. We moved around and around, a waltz of madness and futility. Finally, he lunged forward to me his hands extended with long brittle nails ready to lash. I raised the book, but I did not feel his cold hands against my skin. Instead, he laughed a harsh laugh. A guffaw that mocked my fear. "You startle easily,

"One often does with a stranger who broke into their house." I stepped backwards to keep my eye on him, falling into my desk with a clang and a clatter. My heart raced as I fell backwards, fearful that I was beaten down, afraid of this vulnerability. He did not take advantage of my weakened state. He only watched with a gleam in his eyes. My hands loosened, my book falling. My life line landed at his legs. He hunched down and picked it up, turning it in his hand. "What garbage...Who would spend their time reading? That's hardly entertaining" He tossed the book my way knowing what threat it held towards him.

He didn't seem all that threatening when you really looked at him.I placed down my book and traced my hand behind me for my first-aid kit. "I can bandage you" He looked at me with closed lips "So be it". He made his way to the bed, his back turned to me though his eyes occasionally glancing back. Each time they looked at me I froze. Hesitantly I walked to him, pouring alcohol onto a cloth. I kneeled to his feet, this fool who claimed my chambers as if his own. "I am going to pluck the glass from your skin now. Who are you?" I began with cautious hands. "Edward Hyde". My eyes shot up to him, I knew his name for the worst. "Word gets around fast, doesn't it? Don't think too harshly of me doc. I only came to ask a favour, per request of the good doctor himself." I listened further, rubbing his wounds with my solvent. He winced and pulled away. The sudden jerk caused me to jolt, but it was merely by instinct. I grabbed his ankle and guided him back. "I need you...he needs you to, chart my...behaviours, my thoughts, whatever it is you do. I would oppose but"

"He'd cut you out of the will"

"How did you-" I cut him off by pressing the cloth to his heel, he writhed and bellowed like an animal, though he knew it was for the better as I picked up my bandages and wrapped them around his foot. "Be still...I am having a hard time believing you. I saw him not so long ago. Surely he would tell me this and not to break into my home." He flexed his toes at the newfound feeling of the bandages before his eyes turned to me. "Figured so, I'm telling the truth this time."

I weighed my options carefully. On one hand, this man broke into my home, allegedly beat a child, and is most likely a danger to me and my dear friend. On the other hand, this would be a rare opportunity to study the inner workings of true insanity, if that's what this man was. Plus, it would be a favour to Henry, so if anything it is a win-win scenario. "I do not think I can emphasise enough- you broke into my home! I do not trust you, but I will not send you to the streets. If I find you are deceiving me, then...Then...You are not lying are you?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?"

"Touche" I rose to my feet and guided him downstairs to my office. I worked from home and reserved this room for my patients. It had two doors, the one to my main house and of course the backdoor where my patients entered. It was more desolate at night, I had to light the candle on my desk, though my eyes kept scanning this intruder just in case. I wasn't foolish enough to trust him whole heartedly. He wandered in my office, poking around at my things, but I knew better than to scold a man I knew nothing about. He was at least responsive to my command. When I told him to sit, he sat. He laid across my fainting couch with his dirty feet kicked up on the arm rest, his hair dangling off the side. "So...What is it on your mind?" I inquired. He took his time to answer, so much so I found myself leaning in. "Those curtains do not go well with that wallpaper"

"If you don't have anything of value to say to me-"

"You asked, I answered. Am I being punished for the truth, doc?" he had me hook line and sinker, more so than I was happy to admit. He sat up and reached his hand out to me, touching my face under the chin. He lifted my head and looked into my eyes for reasons I did not know. I huffed and swatted his hand off. "Tell me of the child" I demanded.

He shifted in his seat, rolling his neck to crack out the kinks before he told me "Children ought to be asleep at night. Hard to find a place nowadays where you don't hear them whine and- do whatever it is children do. I didn't beat the child, per se, merely corrected its behaviour. Am I so wrong for that?" He sighed at my expression "Fine, I am. I hate that expression...You should smile more. You'd be more approachable that way. If it's about the window I can pay-"

"It's not."

"Well, I could pay" He reminded me. With Henry's money, if all Enfield said rang true. It was hard to keep my eyes on him when my eyelids demanded rest. The adrenaline was wearing off. How long I could keep up this alertness, I had not known. My legs were tired and I wished so deeply to sit and rest even if for a moment, but I would not grant him that position. My mouth betrayed me as I let out a yawn.

"At least try to sound awake. You're practically falling asleep where you stand. In my presence..I truly am offended." He groaned and stood up, his hands, firmly gripping my shoulders to my surprise.I stumbled forward, caught off-guard by the sudden grasp, but I found my footing between his. I jerked my head, and writhed my body "I-"

"Relax...Relax. No need to speak, doc. I understand...I'll return tomorrow and you'll be well rested," he told me as if it were his command. In my delirious state all I could do was nod. "Perhaps I should kiss you goodnight"

"What? Why would you do that...we do not know each other."

"Isn't that part of the allure? Strangers in the cold night finding warmth in each other?" He could tell by my expression he was to be rejected. "Very well then. Another time perhaps. Goodnight...doc" he clicked his tongue at the last syllable. As he left my home, my stomach churned. What evil had I just invited into my house? The wind was cold on my skin, entering through the gaping hole he left in my window. I too, almost cut myself on the shards he left, his blood still speckled on my floor. I went to grab a broom. It would be unfortunate to explain to my servants in the morning.

The Strange Love of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now