Cipher and Specs

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"I told you tostop trusting that woman with the elevators!" said Cipher smugly as they used the joystick on the armrest of their hoverchair to push themself forward. There was a brown blanket draped over their legs, and a brown flat cape draped over their short, fluffy, orange-brown hair. They were a technician and repairperson, close friend of Irie from Timeline-A, albeit a little different...

They pushed their glasses up their nose, lenses flashing as they did so. They leaned closer to the Notus elevator, lifting the tablet from its stand attached to the other armrest of their hoverchair. They used the flashlight to peer into the darkness and assess the damage.

"Did you know? Back on Newton, they're finally testing out some of my elevator designs?" They almost sounded like they were bragging. Irie couldn't help but chuckle. As far as she was concerned, Cipher deserved it. They were smart, and they were generous to come all the way to Notus from Zephyros. Even though they called it "Newton", it was an affectionate pet name for Zephyros just as "the Turtle" was for Notus.

"Weston was a huge help in that! He says hi, by the way," Cipher continued, and Irie's smile grew even wider. Ah, yes, he was another close friend of hers. She'd hoped to see him, but hadn't had the excuse, since he wasn't a repairman the way his partner, Cipher, was. It was a story that sounded too good to be true, for two of Irie's closest and most beloved friends to end up together, but it was true. As for Irie? Her heart panged, again reminded that even though some things were the same from Timeline-A, other things weren't.

"Sheesh! What did she even do here?" Cipher snickered. Despite their reserved personality, with an occasional bout of grandiosity, Cipher was actually a very lively person as a whole, and they could be quite comedic and sassy, but only if they were comfortable with the people they were with. Irie qualified. "It looks like Strike was trying to sneak out the elevator like she expected to connect it to an an air like it's a video game!"

"Honestly, yeah, that's probably it," Irie sighed with a rueful smile as Cipher laughed. Of course, she wasn't there to see it, but the damage spoke for itself. And so did the ensuing Space Ranger chase that led to Strike's recapture, but only after a very intense, very unnecessary battle. Irie wasn't there for that either, but she saw the footage the morning after. Everyone in the Notus cafeteria did. Irie winced at the reminder.

Man, I'm gonna be in so much trouble for this! She cursed Strike in her head. Irie had vouched for her. Now this happened.

"I don't get why you keep her around!" Cipher shook their head. "Eject her!" They were half-joking, half-serious. Of course, they didn't advocate for murder, but why keep around someone who was nothing but a liability? Why not send her back to Earth?

It's... complicated... Irie thought. If Cipher was curious, or put off, by Irie's silence, they gave no indication, instead typing and drawing on their tablet, already blueprinting the necessary repairs for the elevator. Luckily, even though there were a few holes that needed patching, Strike was careful not to cut any of the cables, or damage the starship to its exterior.

"Good thing this elevator isn't near the—" The tablet blared a second later, and Cipher shrieked, nearly dropping it. "JEEZ!"

"Cipher! Cipher! Heeelp!" A metallic caw sounded through the speaker. It was a voice message from their little robot companion, shaped like a bird, a joint project of Cipher and Weston that they were able to encode with a Celestial principle. Cipher named it Specs.

"You know? Like tech specifications. And spectacles. And spectrums, including light. And the act of "spectating" or spying," they'd said. And for the most part, Specs was an impressive companion. They were just never trained on what to do with aggressive, angry prisoners.

Oh no... Irie sighed and shook her head as she and Cipher made their way down to a lower deck of Notus (using a different elevator, of course).

"I'll fry you, stupid bird!" Strike was thundering the moment the elevator dinged open. Irie and Cipher saw the woman gripping the steel bars of her cell as a metal bird squawked and flew circles around her head anxiously.

"Calm down, Specs," Cipher sighed. Irie, at the same time, brushed past Cipher to go to Strike while Specs flew over Irie's head to Cipher's lap.

"What happened?" Irie murmured. Strike's companion, Slag, was being kept in the next room, apart from Strike, but not too far.

"She threatened to break out of the cell and kill me!" Specs wailed behind her and Strike to Cipher.

"But I didn't!" Strike snapped sarcastically, shaking the bars for emphasis. They didn't even budge. "I should roast you on your own engine!"

"N-now, S-Strike!" Cipher raised their hands, blue eyes widening behind their glasses while Specs squawked in fear and flew behind their head, resting on the back of their brown coat and peeking around their flat cap.

"All right. Enough." Irie finally cut everyone off, raising her hands. Strike, predictably, protested immediately, but Irie only shot her a tired stare. Cipher kept their eyes glued to their lap, gripping the armrests of their hoverchair.

Who is this annoying, lost child anyway?! Strike sneered down her nose at the timid technician. They were so small and young!

Irie, meanwhile, shot Strike another warning look. When she finally fell silent, Cipher looked up, amazed.

Jeez. I knew Irie could be forceful from time to time, a little crazy and energetic, but THIS...? It was like watching beauty tame the beast. And maybe that's why I just don't get it, they shook their head with a sigh. That kind of stuff was never my thing!

Cipher's first and only love was science (aside from their partner Weston, and their creation/companion Specs). Irie and Strike were a reminder why. People were too much of a hassle! Maybe Irie didn't mind talking Strike down, but Cipher certainly didn't envy her. And even long after Cipher returned to Zephyros, and Weston, the strange back-and-forth relationship between Irie and Strike persisted.

As long as Strike was a prisoner of war, she knew she had to watch her step, especially since Irie was being so oddly kind to her. But that only put Strike on guard. It didn't soften her to the other woman. In turn, this frustrated Irie, which in turn intrigued and almost concerned Strike...

Who are you, Irie, and why are you so interested in me...? And... why do I care at all?

AN: Based on Zero from Lastland's Last Stand (who is based on an IRL friend of mine with the same name).

Lastland AU: Lost Memory, Lost Time, Lost in SpaceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin