I don't like you

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"You're not wrong but it's nice you even pick it up ." Sarah said as we all keep walking along the beach

After being at the beach we all go back to John bs and hang out for awhile playing fun games and chatting as we are k sig next to JJ and have my head on his shoulder

"I think I'm the funniest person in this group ." JJ said smiling

"No it's me ." Pope said looking at JJ

"Who wants snacks ." John b said looking at everyone

We all say we want some then he goes inside and makes some snacks for us to eat after a few minutes he comes out an sets them on the table then we all start eating

After awhile of hanging out and eating I head back home to go to bed when I get home I lay down and play on my phone for awhile then I go to sleep

The next morning I wake up and see JJ is asking to meet up at his place I get excited because I really like JJ and hope we go somewhere far in our relationship. So I get ready and eat some breakfast then after breakfast I drive over to JJs house I get there and park then get out and see him standing there I run up to him and kiss him but he doesn't kiss back

"Is something wrong ." I said wondering why he didn't kiss back

"I think we should stop seeing each other ." JJ said looking at me as he looked like he had no emotions

"What why I thought you liked me ." I said holding back tears

"No i don't like you anymore I did now I don't look it was great we hooked up now you should move on ." JJ said as he started to walk away

"I had sex with you after being raped a few weeks ago don't you think I was nervous hell my first time was with topper when he did that to me but then I did it with you and it was so nice because you actually was gentle with me and it's not just about the sex I could go weeks without having sex and still like you k don't know what I did wrong ." I said as a few tears left my face

"I don't care that we had sex I've had sex with many of people it's not new to me and I think what we did was a mistake we hit carried away it was a heat of the moment thing now will you leave ." JJ said I didn't respond I just got in my car and left crying he told me what we did was a mistake when all I could think about was that

I get home and lay down in my bed crying not knowing what I've down wrong to deserve this but after a few minutes Kiara calls me I answer

The call:

"Hey what's up ." I said

"I heard what happened JJ told everyone ." Kiara said

"Great so he's going around telling everybody our business ." I said

"Well he only did so we wouldn't ask questions why you guys don't talk or anything you know ." Kiara said

"Whatever I'm gonna go I don't feel like talking ." I said hanging up the phone I had hoped what happened was just a fight between me and JJ until I get told he's telling everyone about it now I'm pissed

A few weeks pass by me and JJ haven't spoken and I don't hang out with the pouges much because of school and being pregnant I'm officially three months today I'm so excited to meet my baby someday

I get ready to go to school and I feel so tired I just want to skip it so bad but thankfully this is my last year of school and I'm probably not going to college as much as I want ti I can't because the baby. After I get ready I head to school

I walk into school and see JJ and Kiara talking about something so I walk up to them

"Oh hey guys ." I said smiling at them

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