Rules for Request

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The Rules for Requests :

~ You must provide a detailed explanation of what exactly you want your graphic to show.

~ If you do not have a specific idea, list the summary of your book and allow me to shape your cover.

~ If you do not like the graphics, you may request for another but absolutely, in under no conditions shall you be rude or abusing.

~ I shall provide a maximum of 3 edits per graphic, as per your wish.

~ You must understand that I have a life outside Wattpad and at times, the cover may be delayed.

~ A minimum of two weeks would be required for me to finish your edits.

~ Please give credits, it takes time to make any graphics and it's annoying to have others take recognition

~ The graphic edits which I can make are of the following :

1) Book Covers

2) Banners

3) Gifs

4) Aesthetics

5) Mood-Boards

~ This may sound narcissistic but I am also a writer like you. So for me to accept your request, please comment, vote and promote any one of my books.

Thank you for your co-operation. The submission for requests is in the following page.

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