Part 12 "Training"

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I have to thank everyone who has been reading my books and to the few who leave comments, honestly it just makes my day to see the little amount of views/comments I receive. ❤️
Sasuke pov

There are many things this world is, but forgiving isn't one of them. My entire existence is proof enough for that, the nightmares that taunt me bare truths just as much as it stings. The blood that flows through my veins I once saw peace and happiness, now I see it's merely cursed.

I did it.

I finally killed the cat the other day, the feeling of cutting through its delicate fur and the warm blood on my hands sent chills through me. I don't know how long I can bare to do this, I still don't know how I'm even able to do this.

I can't help but feel a slight bit of accomplishment even though I know it's of sour causes, I didn't get hit, get chained, just tossed back into my dark little cage.

I know it's pathetic truly, but there's not much I can do to stop anything. He's going to get his way, whatever that will entail. I'm just stuck in the middle, huddled in the dark, waiting for something I don't think will ever come.

I just wanna go back to the village and sleep in my soft bed, I'll cherish the feeling and be happy for what I have. I know I can't go back, something's wrong and for some reason they haven't come. It was just wishful thinking honestly, I know for a fact that it has been more then a week, but as sharp as my mind is, it seems to only dull the longer I'm stuck here. Mulling over thoughts that have little importance of the moment, regrets and such.

I've been left alone for a while now, how long it's been is anyone's guess when you're endlessly falling through the hour glass only to be turned again and again.

I let out a heavy breathy sigh, the air quality in this place certainly isn't pristine. Might as well just thrown me away in a damn swamp, I would rather like that swamp. Even if it bares only dangers and obstacles, there is always an end to it, find a way out of the swamp.

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear footsteps echoing through the hall, I grimace knowing what is to come. "Fuck off.." I weakly murmur, at the approaching figure. That obviously had no effect and they continue their stride unlocking the metal door, humming a little melody that is anything but relaxing. They picked me up off the floor and stood me up on my feet only to drag me by the bindings on my wrists down the dark halls.

I cast my head down, not to look at them as I am dragged pathetically across the stone floors. This is when I realized I've lost a lot of weight, mostly muscle since I haven't been able to do anything training. Nothing I can do about that though.

I'm dragged for a rather lengthy period before we arrive in an unfamiliar room, it's rather large with blood covering the walls and floors, like everything else here. There's decent warm white lighting here that displays across the whole room. The ninja then removes my bindings, and I'm left awkwardly laying on the floor in a huge ass room.

"S~as~ke.." I hear suddenly as Orochimaru hums my name, over-pronouncing the "s" as always. "Hn." I reply, not wanting to give him another reason to beat my ass again.

'Like he needs one.' I scoff, scraping my nails across the warn down stone flooring.

Orochimaru chimes in. "Now that you're done lazying around, why don't we get some training in.." He hisses.

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