Chapter Seventeen: Unwanted Reunion.

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 After my meltdown in the forbidden forest a few days ago, I have cooled down quite a bit. I avoided Sebastian like the plague even though he tried to make every attempt to talk to me. Ominis could tell I needed some breathing room so he has been respectful of my space. I just wish he didn't have to hear me lash out like that.

"Kia, are you okay?" Imelda asks while sitting on her bed after getting ready for her classes. " me, oh yeah I am doing great" I replied smiling at her to hide the fact I was lying. Before Imelda had the moment to respond my owl came soaring in smacking my face with the letter. "Thanks crescent" I say sarcastically. I opened the letter.

Little sis,

I think it's time we meet up and have a talk. We have a lot to discuss after what I have witnessed. Meet me in the forbidden forest.

~ Kain

I let out a loud groan, "you have got to be fucking kidding me." I let out with a distasteful look on my face, "what's wrong, is Weasley asking to meet you again?" Imelda says jokingly. "Quite the opposite actually, my brother would like to meet and talk about family matters." I said with annoyance, "would you like me to come with you?" She asks softly being able to tell my uncomfortable face. "No this is something I have to deal with alone because if it's family matters then no one else can know sadly." I said as I smiled at her assuring her that I'd be alright.

I make my way out of the castle, Sebastian came running up to me as soon as I passed the main gates. "Where are you off to?" Sebastian asks while trailing behind me. "Going to deal with family matters Sebastian I said as I made my way to the entrance of the forbidden forest. "Dealing with family matters? In the forbidden forest? He asks with a look of confusion. "Yes Sebastian, I'll have you know this is where a lot of the Carrow family does their business." I said with a snarky tone.

I hated that he asked me to come here but would he even be a Carrow if he didn't? My family thrives in places where the dark arts can flourish. Makes sense why most of my family chooses here to do their bidding.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Sebastian asked, breaking my train of thought. "No, I don't think that's wise, you should head back to the castle." I said calmly "I'll talk to you once I get back." I said before walking into the forest.

I did not want Sebastian to hear what was about to transpire. 

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