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~With Kenta~

Once I arrived in Phoenix on a private jet, I was taken in a car with no black windows and everything as we rode over to the arena. We were going to keep this as much of a secret as possible.

Luckily, I check my phone every chance I got and all I got was nothing: no news outlets saying "Kenta Yamazaki NXT 2019". I wanted everything to be a surprise and there were to people I've been wanting to see after four straight years: Kaori and Masami.

I missed them so much and yes, we talk on the phone every now and then, but never in person, so my signing with WWE happens to work out quite well since my contract with ROH expired last month.

As I finally got to the arena, I saw Hunter with a smile as he probably knew it was me already.

Now, growing up, I didn't speak that much English, only because my mom became an American citizen around the time I was born and I had trouble speaking it, but thanks to watching a lot of gangster movies like Scarface, Goodfellas, Casino, all the greats, I speak about 85% English, which works in my favor as I can still speak Japanese.

When I was helped out of the car, I signaled Hunter to keep Kaori and Masami in the dark. The plan for me is to surprise Kaori first without Masami around and then once my song and titantron plays, that's when I want Masami to see me come out.

I want her to cry with joy and happiness about the fact that I'm in NXT and the trio's finally back together.

Hunter: Kenta.

Me: How are you, Hunter?

Hunter: Excited, you?

Me: A bit laggy, but I'll make it.

Hunter: Alright. Come to the back with me, I'll lead you to your locker room.

Me: Sounds great, but there's something I wanna ask.

Hunter: Go ahead.

Me: Think you can bring Kaori to my locker room? I wanna talk to her, but as a surprise.

Hunter: You wanna surprise her?

Me: And Masami, but I wanna make sure that Kaori gets it first before Masami, only because I met her first.

Hunter: I don't think I know the story. What happened?

Me: Let's just say she got herself in trouble early on in her career and I sought to help her out. Ever since then, she saw me as her role model and best friend, even though I'm quite younger than her.

Hunter: That makes sense. I'll let you get settled and I'll bring her over once you're ready.

Me: I appreciate that.

Once I was brought to my locker room, I waited for Kaori and I really wanted to see her again. It's been four years since I've seen her and Masami. I've missed them so much and now the trio's gonna be back together, as I'm looking forward to it.

After a while, I got a text from Hunter, saying that she's coming now and I had to hide somewhere.

Luckily, there was a bathroom where I can just change into my gear and I thought it was perfect.

I texted Hunter by saying...

Me: I'll be hiding in the bathroom, so don't let her know that. I'll bring my gear in as well.

Hunter: Sounds good.

When I brought my gear with me into the bathroom, I closed the door, just as the exact time Hunter and Kaori walked in.

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