1.When everything is better

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It's a brilliant day and I arrived in Paris for my runway in YSL clothes, I'm so happy because they choose me since they are a big company it could help in my future. My make up artist started doing my make up while the hairstylist started doing my hair, even though I've walked the runways before, I still have emotions because it's an opportunity you don't get every day.
  After a few hours I'm ready for the YSL runway, I walk there with confidence and I start doing my job, after a few seconds all my emotions disappear and I'm feeling very confident like I did this before. At the finish everyone star to clap I'm very happy knowing they are admiring me and appreciate me, in this moment I'm living my dream.
   I call Max to come after me to see the Bahrain GP because I can't miss it.
"Hello Maxie, can you please come after me? You know I can't miss the race."
"I'm not coming Emily." He answer joking
"Thank you, love you too."And I close the call, and start waiting.
   After some hours Max arrived finally.
"Thank god you arrived I thought you will not come."
"Be happy that I come."
"I'm very happy, you can't see?" I say while I was chuckling at him.
Max chuckle back and he start driving to Bahrain.
   It's pretty late and me and Max finally arrived. Max dropped me home and went back to his training. I start unpacking my bags and putting my clothes back, I look at the clock and I saw it's 3 am, it's really late because tomorrow I have to wake up for the Bahrain GP so I decide to go to the bed and sleep.
It's 8 am and my phone clock start to ring, I'm so tired because I didn't sleep enough, I get up and directly go to the kitchen and make a big cup of coffee and start to drink it while I'm getting ready for the Bahrain GP. I have to be ready because Max will come after me and I know he doesn't like to wait.
For the first time in my life, I'm ready before Max comes after me. I went downstairs, I sat on a bench and I was waiting for Max, I look at the clock and see that 10 minutes have already passed, it was easier if Charles came after me but things are not going so well between us anymore, but I don't see a good ending, I miss the days when we get along well, but I hope it will be fine.
After ten minutes Max finally come after me.
"Sorry for being late."
"It's fine Max, don't worry."
We arrive together at the Bahrain GP and the paparazzi were already there. When I turned my head I saw Lando and I go to him.
"Hii, Lando, excited for the race?" I asked Lando very curious.
"Very, I hope I will finish on the podium."
"I'm sure you will."
"Thanks, Em"
"Good luck, Lando, I want to see you on podium."I wave at him and I go in the Red Bull paddock.
The race start and I'm very excited for the race because it's the first race of the season.
After an hour and a half the race was over. The first place was taken by my brother, Max. The second place was taken by Checo and the third place was taken by Carlos.
I was expecting for Charles to be on second or third but I don't know what happened with him. I hope next time it will be better.
  Charles come at me and hug me but it's not the same I don't know why he became so cold.
"Cha, don't be sad you will make better in the next race, you did everything you can."
"I know, thank you." He said in a sad tone
"Let's go and eat something, you will feel better."
"Yeah, you are right, let's go." Charles said a little bit more happy
  We go at our favourite restaurant and we start to look in the menu. After 20 minutes we start to talk about our relationship problems and what we should do.
"Look Emily, I think we should break up, I don't feel the same in this relationship anymore. You are an amazing person and don't get me wrong it's not your fault, it's just me. It's not because of you, you are beautiful, kind, you really are perfect and you deserve someone who can make you happy and right now I can't do that. I'm sorry but this is the best for us."
"We can try to fix it Charles, we...we don't need to break up..."
"Emily, just listen to me, I'm not the person who can make you happy now and you deserve to be happy, it's for our best, for your happiness and mine too. I don't want you to suffer because of this but in this moment it's the best for us to break up."
"But..we can try Charles...we can give ourselves a second chance." I say trying to hide all my sadness from my face.
"Em, just look at me, look at my eyes, we have to break up it's the best for us." He saw my face knowing I'm not fine.
"Are you sure..? But why I just can't understand Charles" I say while some tears rolls down to my cheeks.
"Em, please, don't cry it will be fine, please just look at me" Charles said in a soft voice trying to comfort me.
I wipe my tears away from my cheeks "I'm trying Charles but it's not easy, we were together for 4 years years and now you just tell me we should break up but I will not keep you next to me if this doesn't make you happy."
"Em, just trust me it's for our happiness"
"Please Charles, stop call me Em, we are over" I say this with my eyes full of tears.
I got up from the chair, went outside and called a taxi, until the taxi came I wiped my tears so they wouldn't be noticed. The taxi arrived quite quickly, I got in, and I held back my tears as best I could.
The taxi driver look at me in a suspicious way "Are you ok miss?" He asked while he looked carefully at the road.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I answered shortly, smiling with a fake smile.
After 10 minutes I got home, got out of the taxi and went into the house, I didn't even change into my pajamas as I fell on the bed with my face in the pillow crying. I forgot that Max was supposed to come to my place today and suddenly I hear the door to the room opening.
"Emily...? What happened? Why are you crying?" Max asked in a soft tone.
"It's just..."I didn't finish my sentence, I couldn't even speak.
"Hey, hey...it's fine...I'm here...shh...it's okay."Max said in a very very soft tone.
I continue to cry because I couldn't stop, it's to much for me.
"Come here...you can tell me...I'm your brother."He said as he came next to me on the bed and held me in his arms. "I'm here...just tell me what happened."
"Charles break up with me..." I said as Max held me tight in his arms.
"I can't believe that...I will speak with him...don't worry."
"Please don't talk to him...it's normal people sometimes just star to don't be the same together...I will be fine..." I said trying to calm down myself.
"You are my sister, my little sister, I don't want to see you suffer like this, you don't deserve this pain." Max said in a protective way but in a very soft tone.
"I will be fine...I love you Maxie...thank you for being here for me...you really are helping me..."
"Of course, you are my sister, I will always be there for you...always...don't forget that." He said this as he hugged me, kissing my forehead.
We fell asleep in each other's arms like when we were little, this helped me a lot...for a few moments all my pain disappeared.

This was the first chapter, I hope you like it!! ❤️😘

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