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" I don't know what to think anymore , Marcus ", padma exclaimed as she she looked up at him beside her car

" I just feel like I don't matter to you. Do you even like me ?", she asks him as she raises her brows

He felt done , so empty inside a she looked at her , dealing with her yelling at him constantly for not wanting a relationship

He gets it , but he explained one too many times that he couldn't do it

She says he's being childish , but he can't cope , he literally can't cope by himself - how was he supposed to support , look after and like someone when he can't even do that for himself ?

" you know I like you ", Marcus sighs out as he looked at her

" no , I don't ", she shakes her head as she narrows her eyes at him

Marcus has to blink repeatedly to stop his mind from getting overwhelmed and he lets out a long breathe " I told you . I just ... I just ... I can't do this ", he stammers , padma not seaming to realise the way his eyes were beginning to become red rimmed

" what ?", she scoffs at him " this conversation ? Or hooking up with me with zero commitment?", she yells at him with a glare " which one can't you do ?", she exclaims when Marcus doesn't answer her

Marcus shakes his head , reaching up to tug at the long strands of hair before snapping his hand back and looking at her " all of it ", he snaps at her , eyes glossing over before he properly looks at her and how hurt she looked , he couldn't control the guilt and sadness that overwhelmed him at how she was looking at him

He caused that

He made her look at him that way

And he hated himself for hurting her

" I'm sorry ", he apologises as his lips rigged down , but padma only scowls at him , turning and opening her car door harshly before slamming it shut behind her

Leaving Marcus to breathe out a heavy breathe as he overwhelmed himself with his thoughts

I didn't mean to

I'm so sorry

It was on repeat in his head as she sped off with screeching tires


Romere wasn't sober as he walked into class , smiling when he sees hunter sat on Maxine's desk as they conversated with Ginny and he walks over , wrapping his arms around hunter from behind and slumping into him

" yeah , just stuff you have to do for college , which is pointless anyway since a psychology degree will be useless when the planet implodes in 30 years ", max rambles off with a sigh

" hey man ", hunter chuckles as he reaches up to hold onto romeres arms , tilting his head slightly to see him and patting his head of curls

" I love you ", Romere mutters into hunters neck , only causing the other teen to smile softly

" stuff you have to do for college ?", Ginny furrows her brows

" volunteering in Peru and South Africa and winning a mock business proposal competition ... ", max trails off in a mocking voice for her examples and hunter points to himself and grips onto romeres arm with his other hand

" she's talking about us . We did those things ", hunter winks at Ginny slyly before looking to Romere " this guy doesn't even need those things , he's already got offered placements in Harvard , brown and Yale . His family's known for being Ivy legacies ", he rolls his eyes as ginnys face went into even more panic and shock

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