❣︎ Part 4 - Fighting ❣︎

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"Let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Highrock for a Clan meeting." Her clear call bought all the cats trotting towards the blue she-cat, emerging like liquid shadows from the edges of the clearing. Rusty and (Y/k/n) stayed where they were, flanked by Lionheart and Whitestorm. (Y/k/n) felt a flash of relief as she saw Greypaw's fluffy grey pelt among the unfamiliar cats. When the cats were still, Bluestar spoke.

"Thunderclan needs more warriors," she began. "Never before have we had so few apprentices in training. It has been decided that Thunderclan will take in two kittypets to train as a warrior.." 

You heard indignant mutterings crept among the clan cats, but Bluestar silenced them with a firm yowl. "I have found two cats who are willing to become apprentices of Thunderclan."

"Lucky  to become an apprentice," caterwauled a loud voice above the ripple of shock that spread through the cats. Rusty and (Y/k/n) craned their necks to see a pale tabby tom standing up and glaring defiantly at the blue leader. Bluestar ignored the tabby and addressed the Clan. "Lionheart and Whitestorm have met these young cats, and they agree with me that they should train as apprentices." (Y/k/n) looked up at Lionheart, then at Rusty and back to the crowd of cats to see all eyes on the pair of kittypets. There was silence for a moment until caterwauls rose from the crowd, asking various questions. 

"Where do they come from?"

"What clan do they belong to?"

"What a strange scent they carry! That's not the scent of any clan I know!"

One voice in particular sounded above the yowls. "Look at their collars! Kittypets!" It was the same pale tabby. "Once a kittypet, always a kittypet. This clan needs wild-born warriors to defend it, not more soft-mouths to feed." (Y/k/n) could smell Rusty's fear scent through all the chaos and looked at the anxious tom. Lionheart then bent over, hissing into Rusty's ear. 

"That tabby is Longtail, he smells your fear scent. They all do." He then looked at you. "You must prove to him and the other cats that your fear won't hold you back." (Y/k/n) nodded, determination flaring in your  (E/c) eyes. She looked at Rusty, who was still frozen in his place, you nudged him, getting him out of the trance. You tried to whisper something before the tom known as Longtail start jeering again.

"Your collar is a mark of the Twolegs, and that noisy jingling will make you two a poor hunter at best. At worst, it will bring the Twolegs into our territory, looking for the poor lost kitties who fills the woods with their pitiful tinkling." 

All the cats howled in agreement. Longtail went on, aware that he had the agreement of the crowd. "The noise of your treacherous bell will alert all of our enemies, even if your Twoleg stench doesn't!" Lionheart hissed to the two kittypets once more: "Do you back down from a challenge?" 

"No!" (Y/k/n) yowled back, unsheathing her claws. Rusty flattened his ears, and leaped along with (Y/k/n) onto the pale tabby. Longtail was completely unprepared for the two cats attack. He staggered sideways, only to land straight in your trap. You leaped on his back, digging your claws into his pelt. Meanwhile Rusty was swiping at his face with unmatched blows, Longtail was a flurry of fur. Without warning, another force peeled you away from the pale tabby's back, making you yelp. You turned around to face your attacker, a dark-grey tabby with glowering amber eyes. As the tom tried to swat a black paw at you, (y/k/n) sidestepped and threw a (pa/c) paw at the toms face, spraying blood and leaving a massive gash that would definitely scar. The tabby yowled with pain and lunged for your neck, grabbing your (c/c) collar and shaking it fiercely. You felt your body shake and writhed until you heard a loud snap and realised your collar was gone. In the toms mouth your collar was dangling, your chest suddenly feeling cold without the warmth. You looked at Rusty to see Longtail also with a collar in his mouth and a deep 'v shape' in his ear. You and Rusty shared a bewildered glance before Bluestar stepped forward and took the two collars away.

"The newcomers have lost their Twoleg collars in a battle for their honour. StarClan has spoken its approval — these cats have been released fromthe hold of their Twoleg owners, and is free to join ThunderClan as apprentices." Rusty and (Y/k/n) looked at Bluestar and nodded their acceptance. They stood up next to eachother in a shaft of sunshine making Rusty's fur glow like fire and your (p/c) fur glow like (type of shine). The two cats lifted their heads proudly, as they had shown theirselves to be worthy in battle. Bluestar approached the two former kittypets, placing Rusty's blue collar in front of him and you (c/c) in front of you. Bluestar murmured something that (Y/k/n) couldn't hear before addressing. 

"You have fought well." Then she turned to the clan and announced. "From this day forward, until you have earned  your warrior names you shall be known as Firepaw and (Y/a/n)." Bluestar stepped back, and with the other cats, waited silently for his next move. (Y/a/n) instantly turned around and scraped dirt on her (c/c), as if she were making dirt and Firepaw joined her. 

Longtail and the black tom growled and limped out of the clearing towards a fern-shaded corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠 ❤︎︎ // Firestar x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now