Day Four: The Blessing of the Fields

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On the final day, the villagers gathered in the fields. The knight, now revealed as an angel in disguise, stood beside Constance. His wings shimmered like moonlight. Together they blessed the soil, invoking Saint Cuthbert's protection. The earth responded–the furrows deepened, and the seeds sprouted overnight.

Constance knew she had been touched by grace. The angel kissed her forehead, leaving a faint mark–a halo of light. "Remember," he said, "faith is the true harvest." And with that, he vanished, leaving Constance with a heart full of wonder.

From that day on, Constance's bread tasted sweeter, her mother's health improved, and the fields yielded abundant crops. The Feast of Saint Cuthbert became more than a celebration; it was a bridge between heaven and earth, a reminder that miracles bloomed where faith took root.

And so, dear reader, if you ever chance upon a medieval village during the Feast of Saint Cuthbert, listen closely. Perhaps you'll hear the echoes of Constance's laughter, carried on the wind, and know that miracles still unfold in the quiet corners of the world.

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