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Audrey Byers is best friends with Nancy Wheeler and Barbra Holland. She isn't close with either of her siblings, at least not as close as Will and Jonathan but none of them dislike each other. Steve and Audrey dated when she was in the 8th grade, but not long after they got together did they realize that they are better as friends. Although she never stopped liking him. Audrey doesn't open up to many people. Her and Jonathan are twins, but she's older by 2 minutes. Her dad is a total douche, he's never been there for any of them. Audrey's comfort place is music, her favorite artist is Madonna, and her favorite band is Metallica.

Most of the time Audrey is cooped up in her room listening to music on her record player. She works at the library, and while she tries to maintain good grades she keeps falling behind. Mostly in math seeing as though most of it doesn't make sense to her. Audrey is pretty bad ass when it comes to most things, but when her feelings take control she can't help but feel weak. 

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