Dare ·27

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Dare is from AwesWadd

*In the Great Olympus Pool Site*

Hermes: King Poseidon? Hello?

Apollo: The king is speaking with Hypnos, you will wait for your turn.

King Poseidon: NEXT!

King Poseidon: Hermes! How are you doing?

Hermes: I'm good, also there's a dare for you.

King Poseidon:*livid* They won't take my throne right?

Hermes: Nope it's just a challenge called the "ice bucket challenge".

King Poseidon: Explain the challenge.

Hermes: You have to pour ice water on yourself.

King Poseidon: That's it? Just, pour myself some ice water?

Hermes: May I?

King Poseidon: Go ahead.

*Hermes proceeds to pour Cocytus on Poseidon*

King Poseidon: GAH!

Hermes:*the grin* Too cold?

Artemis: What have you done to our king?

Apollo: Oh it's just the ice challenge.

King Poseidon: You're dismissed.

Percy Jackson: Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now