Ch. 3

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I also have this story on my tumblr page animefreakkk21

Warning: Dark theme's, Forced relationship, Non-Con, Violence swearing and other dark Theme's

Summary: The Alpha's realize you are not like most Omega's

You're heavy eyelids slowly start to flutter open, You slowly turn you're head Sunlight shining through a window, You're memory coming back to you, You gasp sitting up quickly, You look around and realize you are not in you're apartment anymore.

The room was enormous the bed you were sleeping in was bigger than a king bed, The walls were gray, with matching furniture.

You quickly peel off the covers looking for any sort of weapon to defend yourself, You look through the night stand, which had nothing but reading materials,

"If you're looking for a weapon you're not going to find one sweetheart." You hear from behind you,

You spin on you're heal seeing Tony,

"Why did you kidnap me?" you growl

"Easy sweetheart everything will be answered, But first I thought you could use something to drink, you've been out for two days." He says holding out a glass of Orange Juice,

You don't make any attempts to move, Just glaring at him,

He sighed,

"This can be very easy and simple if you choose to cooperate, if Not this can get messy." He says taking a few threatening steps towards you,

You growl at him, You were never one to back down from a fight and you sure as hell weren't going to start now.

"Don't take another step, Not until you tell me why You brought me here." He growl

"It's simple sweetheart you are an Omega, And you belong to us now." He says

"I'm not an Omega." You say

He chuckles

"The suppressants have already worn off, I can smell you are no use lying." He says taking a step towards you,

"And it looks like to us that you need proper training and protecting." He says

"Like hell I do." You say glaring at him

He is now a mere feet from you and in one quick motion you grab the nearby table lamp and smash it against his head making him fall to the ground, You hear rushing footsteps, and See Steve, and the other man, You never got introduced to him, Steve Stalks towards you, and in one quick motion you knee him in the nuts making him grunt and fall to the ground,

You make a run for it but the last man grabs you by the throat with his metal hand lifting you're feet off the ground and slamming you into the wall, you grunt from the impact.

"You got some fight in you I love that." He smirks

You're hands are wrapped around his metal wrist,

You see Tony and Steve standing up repercussions from you're attack,

"You're a fighter not like some of the Omega's we find." Tony says with a smirk

You're eyes widen, You have read somewhere Omega's are hard to come by and the one's that do exist go into hiding, You should know you did it you're first year on the street.

"What do you want?" You rasp out still being held to the wall by the man with the metal arm,

"You see sweetheart the Omega population has dropped significantly in the past decade, and so have the rest of the population unfortunately." Tony says

"We've been looking for the perfect Omega," Steve says

You noticed how he motioned to all three of them,

"And as slowly as you're scent it coming out from the suppressants drives us all nuts." Tony says

"So it looks like you are our Omega doll face." The man with the metal arm says

You glare at each of them and growl

"No, I'm not." You says

They all chuckle

"Quite stubborn this one is." Steve says

"I like a good challenge." Tony says

"If Bucky puts you down you promise to behave yourself?" Tony asked

You let out a snarl meaning no,

They chuckle again, Bucky squeezes your throat. Cutting off you're oxygen,

"It doesn't have to be this way." Steve says with his arms crossed,

"All you have to do is submit." Bucky says

You glare at them,

"I'll never submit to any Alpha!" You yell as you growl

They all look at you wide eye Never have they seen a more determined Omega before Most Omega's submit when pain is present, But You it just made you angry and aggressive,

"This certainly is interesting." Tony says smirking

Bucky still has you pinned to the wall by you're throat you're feet off the ground,

"You'll make an excellent mate for us." Steve chuckles

"I'd rather die." you snarl

"I'll never submit, or be you're mate! I will escape the first chance I get!" You growl,

"Bucky let her down." Steve says

He does and in one quick motion Steve pins you're arms to the wall as Tony presses something square to you're neck, It multiplies and spreads across you're neck like a collar. Steve finally lets go of you, you're hand comes to you're neck,

"Nano Tech, that collar will allow us to know exactly where you are and you won't be leaving this house with that on." Tony says with a smirk

You growl at the three of them,

"Now why don't we have dinner and get better acquainted shall we.' Tony says

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