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Sorry for the late post! Got the plague that's been going around my city. Enjoy! <3 Artie


I couldn't get her out of my head. It was as though Kseniya had embedded herself in my skin, like a virus taking over a computer. It was reaching an unhealthy point of obsession and I was willing to submit to. Soon enough I'll find out if she will submit to me.

Clint called my name, bringing me out of my reverie. "Sorry, Hawkeye, what was that?"

He looked over his shoulder at his workers. It was obvious who my attention had been locked in on. "Keep staring at her like that and you'll start drooling."

"At least I'm not distracting her from working." I nodded my head in Sam's direction, where he'd once again pulled Wanda into conversation. Clint turned around, resting his elbows on the countertop. He looked at his manager with pride, which soon morphed into sadness.

"She's the best damn manager I've ever had. A shame she lost her husband. Wanda's the last person on earth who deserved to go through something like that," he commented. I copied his movement and also leaned my arms on the counter.

"How did he die?" To be honest I didn't even know she'd been married, despite coming to this shop practically every day for the past 6 years. Not that I paid much attention to anyone other than Kseniya anymore.

"Brain tumor. Didn't make it off the table when they tried removing it." Clint sighed heavily, his head dropping so his chin rested on his chest. "I love Sam. He's a great guy and I'm proud to have served beside him in the military. But if he so much as thinks about hurting her – intentionally or not – I'll bury him myself."

"Is it that hard to find a good manager?" Steve joked, joining in the conversation after growing bored of listening quietly. He was definitely the quietest of our group, especially out in public. And even more so when his wife Natasha wasn't within eyesight.

Clint straightened, watching with a small smile as his team effortlessly handled a long line of customers. Working in any customer service or retail position sounded like my personal version of hell. I couldn't imagine anything worse than some middle aged person shouting at me because their iced coffee was too cold.

"They're all really good workers. And great people. I'm protective of all of them, even Scott. MJ certainly doesn't need me to watch over her, but I'd help her bury a body." Clint turned his body to face me full on. "I know you've been fixated on Kseniya for a while now. Whenever you decide to finally make a move, know that we may have been like brothers, but I won't hesitate to dig your grave, either."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting someone else would kill me?"

"Yeah, me," Clint's wife, Laura, said from behind me. "Though she has two of her own, she's like a little sister to me. And if you somehow get away from me, I'll sic her best friend on her."

Steve's face scrunched in confusion. "MJ? She's so tiny."

"So are Chihuahuas," Clint grumbled. He clapped his hands together. "Let's head out for brunch so we don't miss our reservation. Can't reminisce about our deployments without some French toast and waffles!"

"One of you grab Sam," Laura called over her shoulder. Clint had his arm wrapped around his wife and led her out of the café. Steve headed over to pull our other friend away from his red headed beauty. My eyes searched behind the counter. When I didn't immediately spot her, my heart skipped a beat, until they landed on Kseniya's familiar wild hair. She was busy wiping down tables on the other side of the room. I strode over to her, smirking when she jumped at my sudden presence.

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