Ricky and Amy

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Well, despite how high school ended for them. Amy ended up not going to New York & staying with Ricky and John in the Jeurgens' old house. They kept their original July 4th wedding date and got married the summer Amy graduated.

Amy became a high school English teacher at a Grant High School and doubled as the band director. While Ricky eventually worked his way up to co-manager in the Butcher shop alongside Bunny.

Amy and Ricky were married 2 years before they had another child. This time it was a girl and Ricky named her. They named her Margret Nora Underwood, and call her Maggie for short. Maggie was named after his 2 moms.

Amy and Ricky remained close to their friends and families' in California despite the dis functionalism of them.

John grew up to be a good brother and student. Neither children followed their parents' footsteps and became successful.

When Ricky died he was now the owner (& known millionaire) of Leo's whole business. Amy had retired 12 years before she died & gave everything she had to Grant High School and helping other students/teen girls with their high school experience.

Epilogue Theory - Secret Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें