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Much to their expect George and Kathleen get yet ANOTHER divorce. Causing George to move out of the Bowman house to Palm Springs with Ann and Mimzy until Mimzy passes away.

David signs his parental rights for Robbie over to Ann after he doesn't find a bond with him and George adopts him.

George and Ann get back together and Ann discovers she's not gay, she was just lonely. And she and George are meant to be.

They have a successful, fight free life raising Robbie and spending time with their grandkids John and Maggie Underwood.


And Kathleen ends up staying single for the rest of her life and focuses on being a parent to Grace, Tom, Jack and Tammy. And spends time with her granddaughter Hannah.

Tom and Tammy legally get married but never live without the supervision of Kathleen until after she passes away, at which they live with Jack and Grace until they're put in a home when the grandkids are born.

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