Chapter four 'The date'

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!!Suggestive parts!!


The next day; Angel dust and Husk are in the staff lounge, speaking about Alastor and Lucifer. "Hey Husky, do you think they're fuckin'?" Angel giggles while saying this "Angel are you crazy!? Alastor and Lucifer of all people? REALLY!?" Husk takes another sip of his bottle, completely dumbfounded and shocked. He changes the topic and they keep talking.

With Lucifer And Alastor
They decided to talk, but Alastor will say something that will shock Lucifer.(And you all too hehe)

"Lucifer... I- um need to tell you something." Alastors face turns a dark shade of red "..." "I.. I think I am in love with you.." His ears go down and Lucifer blushes HARD. "...Are you being serious..?" He asks with a nervous voice "Yes, I am." Alastor was sweating and his voice was shaking "Um.. Would you like to go on a date with me..?" Lucifers face lit up when he said that and he said "Of course!! I would love to!" Alastor was extremely relieved when he heard this ....buuuuut now he has to plan what to wear and somewhere to go.

Alastor picked Lucifer up and kissed him, Lucifer enjoyed this and didnt resist, instead he kissed him back, then they made out for a solid 20 minutes until they were almost seen by Angel coming into the hotel room hallway to get to his room.

"Shit someones coming!" Lucifer then proceeded to teleport himself to his room and Alastor to his, 'That was a close one.' he thought to himself being VERY worried about being caught, but not even 4 minutes later he was hugging his pillow and kicking his feet like a teenage girl, just daydreaming about Alastor, then eventually fell asleep.

As for Alastor, he's sitting at his desk writing in the journal Rosie gave him. He writes about his feelings towards Lucifer, how that date will be and where its going to be, even about the rest of the staff. The funny thing is, Vox had put a few(about 15) cameras in Alastors room so he could see everything he did, though it was extremely glitchy and static-y hr could see everywhere BUT what Alastor looked like. The cameras were put in the room just the day before so Alastor hadn't exactly caught on yet.

Vox was looking at the cameras and pointed one towards Alastors desk, and zoomed in so he could see what he was writing, he read through the 2 pages Alastor wrote on and could not believe his eyes. "I have got to tell Vel and Val about this, I have the perfect news headline!" 'The Radio Demon and the King of Hells affair.' was his new headline, he was going to fuck Alastor over for leaving for 7 years, his perfect revenge was in the works now.

Alastor got tired of writing and changed into some blue striped PJ pants and a t-shirt because why would he need to look professional when hes asleep? He flopped onto his bed, turned onto his back and had his hands resting on his stomach, then he fell asleep.

The next morning, at about 8am, Alastor woke up and headed down to the hotel lobby and went to the kitchen, Husk was awake just drinking some booze on the couch alone because Angel had left for Vals studio just minutes before. At the same time, Lucifer was just waking up. He was just laying there, it felt like he was waiting for something, and the thing he was waiting on knocked on the door so he got up and opened it. There was Alastor(Still in his pajamas) with a plate of 2 pieces of toast with cream cheese and jam on it.(this is my fav breakfast yall should try it!!) Lucifer was extremely flattered to say the least and covered his face with his hands because he was blushing a ton, Lilith never did anything like this for him, not even once! Alastor laughed a bit at Lucifer for blushing so much after a very small gesture.

Alastor motioned his hand to the inside of the room and said "May i come in?" with a sweet looking smile, Lucifer said "Oh! y-yea of course! moved out of the way of Alastor and smiled at him. Alastor came in and set the plate on one of Lucifer's nightstands then sat on his bed with him. "Thank you." Lucifer said while looking at the ground and smiling, Alastor moved closer to him and kissed his forehead, Lucifer is still flustered and freezes in shock for a moment then turns to face Alastor, he then says "Soo what did you plan for the date?" Alastor looks back to him and says "Its a surprise, don't worry it'll be perfect!" then cups Lucifer's face with his hands. "Now get dressed! Be ready by 9am and meet me in my room then." He teleports out and gets himself dressed.

Alastor doesn't wear his normal clothes, instead he wears a not super formal, black suit. As for Lucifer, hes having a slightly difficult time deciding what to wear so he grabs an extremely casual(but still looks nice) white suit with an open back, he finds the matching pants and wears some cute black boots. He got slightly bored of his hair so he decided to wear it in a ponytail cause why not!

At 9, he teleports into Alastors room who was waiting for him. "You look gorgeous darling~" Alastor says as he picks up Lucifers face to look at him. They leave and go to a less populated area of hell that has one of the only parks with living animals in it, there is a small duck pond there with a bench near it, when they get over to the bench Alastor tells Lucifer to turn around and he sees the pond and stares in awe, he takes his phone out and snaps a few pictures of the cute ducks and puts it back in his pocket. Alastor then starts up a conversation about Charlie and what-not, they talked for hours on end. Alastor realized it was 7pm at that point so he told Lucifer to follow him because they were going to go eat, they made it to the restaurant so they ordered and ate their food, at this point it was about 8:30pm so they had to get back to the hotel without anyone suspecting anything.

They decided that Lucifer comes inside first and heads up to Alastors room, then 10 minutes after that Alastor does the same, so they did that and it worked! Lucifer was just sitting on the bed when Alastor came into the room. "Hey uh Alastor?" "Hm?" "Can i uh.. Sleep in here tonight? It's pretty lonely doing nothing for hours on end without being able to sleep.." Alastor looked at him and said "Why of course darling~" Lucifer was happy at the fact that he said yes so they both changed into comfortable clothes and laid down, they cuddled for a bit then fell asleep.


Word count: 1192


sorry this one took so long! i had horrible writers block and couldnt write anything for the entirety of yesterday!! thank you guys for being patient with me<3

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