chapter 1

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Monday, December 2nd

"Up and at 'em, campers." Warren walked down the hallway in plaid pajama bottoms, his sandy brown hair messy in his bedhead. He wiped sleep from his dark brown eyes, slapping bedroom doors as he walked down the hall. "Early bird gets the worm and whatnot, so get a move on and find some worms."

The last door at the end of the hall pushed open a crack, a narrow teenager standing in the center of the room in his pajamas rocking a toddler wrapped in a pale blue and pink blanket in his right arm, his left wrapped in a black cast scribbled in metallic magic marker. Grayson stood tall, pale, and lanky, his shaggy black curls falling into his eyes as he bounced Auggie against his hip. Auggie, a pale and chubby toddler, his face freckled and eyes dark brown mirroring Grayson's, apart from tear streaks on his puffy red cheeks.

"Where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops..." Grayson hummed.

"Did Auggie have a bad dream again? What are you doing holding him?" Warren asked, coming to take Auggie from him. Auggie looked up at Warren, a sob caught in his throat as he reached up to touch Warren's cheek.

"He was up all-night fussing because he spit up on his blankie and it had to be washed. Laundry was done around 3, but he wouldn't go to sleep." Grayson muttered, pressing his hand against his side.

"Shit, I'm sorry Gray. I didn't realize he kept you up all night." Warren said, bouncing Auggie against his side.

"It's okay, I had him. I haven't been sleeping the best since the group home, anyway" he said through a yawn, rubbing his eyes with the end of his sleeve.

"Did you wanna stay home today? Catch up on some sleep." Warren offered.

Grayson shook his head. "Unfortunately, I think I'd just be stuck with Auggie."

"Charlie and I can take him to work with us. That's what we'd be doing anyway only now you can sleep in." Warren suggested.

Grayson narrowed his eyes. "You're gonna take Auggie down to the garage?" he asked incredulously.

Warren paused. "Well, yeah, I mean...maybe Salem can take him down to the diner."

Grayson snorted. "You're supposed to be forcing me to go to school, not letting me play hooky, Warren." He pointed out.

Warren tilted his head to one side. "So, go to school?" he said, the order turning into a question.

"I'd rather sleep." Grayson admitted, throwing his thumb over his shoulder to his shared bedroom.

"Come have some breakfast first. I think we still have some eggs." Warren nodded in the direction of the staircase.

"Only if Salem makes breakfast. Or Lena. Just not you." Grayson grabbed a blue sling hung on the back of a wooden chair beside his desk, pulling it over his head.

Warren rolled his eyes playfully, moving down the hall with Auggie on his hip. He pushed open the door to Salem and Winnie's room, a young girl around eight, sitting up in her bed, tears streaming down her red face. Beside her, Lena knelt, rubbing her arm, pushing her hair out of her face. Across the room, Salem's bed was empty, however, the covers wrinkled and unmade.

Warren bounced Auggie, his eyes widening as he set him down on the floor beside her bed. Auggie held onto his blankie, pulling on Winnie's blankets, struggling to climb onto the bed next to her.

"Winnie. Winnie what's wrong?" Auggie said, reaching for her shoulder.

Winnie jumped at the contact, nearly pushing Auggie off the bed. Lena looked up at Warren, sitting on the floor in just a burgundy-colored slip dress. "She had a bad dream. She woke up crying." Lena said, squeezing Winnie's shoulder.

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