Chapter 1

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Fucking finally.

That boy sure knew how to make a mess out of your kitchen.

Maybe Arven preparing a meal for the both of you was a sweet gesture in itself. However you couldn't tell whether the 20 minute clean up period was worth the — most certainly delicious, but oddly affectionate — reward or not.

You take a few steps back, admiring the cleanliness of the counter. If there was one thing his messy experimenting was good for it was encouraging you to actually clean your dorm.

Why he felt like cooking in your dorm instead of inviting you to his never really crossed your mind either way.

But at least now it's clean, or the kitchen is. Apart from- ah, yes.

Apart from the bag of rice which looks suspiciously out of place.

Arven had left behind a bag of rice.

As much as you want to tell yourself to return it tomorrow, you know you'd probably end up forgetting it. The academy halls and their creepy nighttime atmosphere isn't going to stop you from doing this, it seems.

Grabbing the bag and throwing on a pair of slippers you make your way out of your dorm, locking it tightly behind you.

You're really hoping he is still up and hadn't hit the sheets right after he left. It is starting to become prominent you're going to make it your life's mission to return this bag of fucking rice.

Despite the lack of an official curfew the halls are completely devoid of any soul but your own. All you can hear are your soft footsteps making their way over to the sharp turn that would eventually reveal Arven's door.

You've only been there two times — to his dorm, that is. Both of which were from tagging along with him to retrieve something he had forgotten. A quick glance inside was all you got before he had found whatever he was looking for and had rushed back out and closed the door behind him.

He never locked his door, at least not when he was absent from the dorm.

You can imagine there perhaps were times he would.

You arrive at the sharp turn, his door now in view on the left, only a few meters away.

You're really hoping he's awake so you didn't walk through that creepy hallway for fuck-all. If not then hopefully he has blessed you by not locking his door, so you can slip in and leave the rice before making a return to your own bed and calling it a night.

Approaching the door you raise your arm and give it a soft knock.

Sure, returning the bag of rice is your one and only goal, but you certainly don't want to wake him up if he does happen to be asleep.

However, no response.

You try knocking once more, this time slightly harder. Perhaps he didn't hear the first time.

Not even the sound of a shuffle escapes from his room. You hear something. Something faint, though you can't quite put your finger on what it might be.

Well, might as well try walking in. For all you know he's using the bathroom, taking a shower or something.

You place a hand on the handle, opening it slowly as to not make sound.


By carefully sliding the door open as to avoid the loud creak, you make sure not to potentially wake him.

It looks a lot like your own dorm room, with the bathroom to your right, almost intentionally obstructing your view of the bed from the entrance.

You think of leaving Arven's rice on the kitchen counter, mainly so he'll see it when he wakes up. You hope he wouldn't find it creepy that you had slipped in and out of his dorm while he was sleeping.

Arven x Reader (He's too cute to be jerking off to porn REUPLOAD)Where stories live. Discover now