Chapter 2.0

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It has been a week or so since the incident with Arven, and denial has already become your best of friends. You've made a concious effort to ignore him; in class, in the halls, and especially the few times he had knocked on your door. Unfortunately, physically shutting him out does not stop you from sporadically thinking of him, though "sporadically" would be undermining the frequency of which these most often filthy thoughts occur: Every now and then — that being far too often — your mind can't help but replay those few moments you observed your upperclassman in such a vulnerable state. A part of you is still fascinated with seeing him like that; trembling and desperate. This dumb blonde unintently has his grip on you, making you really fucking unsure whether what you felt — and still feel — for him was repulsion or intrigue. Regardless, it only fueled your attraction for him. A purely sexual attraction, awakened by the events mentioned prior.

You very well know it's too soon to be thinking of him like this; it's only been a year since you got to know him, and not once has he dropped any hints to let you know he's interested in hooking up. And you? You've never even looked his way, not like that, at least. The most you can admit is that you've found him attractive, cute, which is more of an objective truth rather than something you've spent time dwelling on. Further proving it being an "objective truth"; other students had asked you, of all people, whether or not Arven was "available", and it surely wasn't because they liked him, no, he's far too dismissive to let anybody close enough to appreciate who he is as a person. The exception being you, and even you can't say you appreciate him all that much. Sure, he's your friend, but he can be quite the dickhead if he feels like it. Regardless, it's clear that the few girls fawning over him do so because they think he's hot, and whichever spell is causing them to pursue him would surely break had they taken just a split second to ponder over why you weren't dating Arven, since he's so adorable and all.

To put this show back on it's track: Enduring the events of today had proved equally as difficult as every other day of the past week. Arven, still aggressively desperate to make amends, had made an attempt at conversating with you during the day's first Home Ec lesson, immediately making himself appear socially inept when he tripped over his words. You purposefully ignoring his entire existence likely wasn't of much help to his already deflated confidence-bubble. Though, you'll admit that ignoring him is still hard, far too hard for your liking, resulting in his poor attempt at a conversation ending up a monologue, after you had been quick to ask Mr. Saguaro for permission to use the restroom. You'd snatched your bag and thrown it over your shoulder on the way out, making it clear to anyone watching; you weren't planning on returning from your bathroom break.

Now you're back in your dorm room, having cut the day short once again. Long-term this would be affecting your score, but you are dead set on finding a solution; a way to tolerate Arven's presence without your mind immediately jumping to his cock, or how he gets off to strangers screwing over a screen. You accept it's not unusual for men to be consuming such filth, it's just that...

... Arven doing it is a whole other story.

Arven. Who is, well, cute. Who seems like the type of guy you couldn't imagine stepping any further than kissing — not even that. Hand holding. You can only blame yourself for the unrealistic expectations you pin him up against. He is not a little boy, far from innocent, and you see that now — or you saw it, very clearly, with your own set of eyes. Yet coming to terms with it is a lot harder than one could imagine.

You sigh, tossing your body on it's side to face the wall. The dorm beds are creaky, and while not decrepit looking they sure feel used. One thought leads to another, you struggle to keep him out of your mind, but it's just natural, right?

Arven x Reader (He's too cute to be jerking off to porn REUPLOAD)Where stories live. Discover now