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In a cozy little house nestled at the end of a quiet street, there lived the Kim family. At the heart of this family was the little boy, named Taehyung.

Tae adored his parents. His mother, Mrs. Kim, had a warm smile that could brighten even the gloomiest of days, and his father, Mr. Kim, was a gentle giant with a booming laugh that filled the house with joy.

Every morning, Tae woke up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of his parents' laughter drifting from the kitchen. He would scamper downstairs, eager to join them for breakfast. They would sit around the table, sharing stories from the day before and making plans for the day ahead.

After breakfast, Mr. Kim would head off to work, while Mrs. Kim stayed home with Tae. Together, they would spend their days exploring the world around them. They went on picnics in the park, built sandcastles at the beach, and visited museums and zoos.

But their favorite moments were the simple ones spent at home. They would bake cookies together, read books snuggled up on the couch, and play board games late into the night.

As the sun set, Mr. Kim would return home, and the three of them would sit down to dinner. They would talk about their day, sharing their triumphs and their troubles, and laughing at each other's jokes.

Bedtime was Tae's favorite time of day. He loved nothing more than curling up in bed, listening to his parents read him a bedtime story and tucking him in with kisses and hugs.

In the warmth of their love, Tae felt like the luckiest child in the world. He knew that no matter what life threw their way, as long as they were together, they could weather any storm.                     .                                                                                                                                                                                          





Like any other weekend, the Kim family was out in the evening enjoying their time playing and laughing. Being tired from roaming around the area Tae's parents decided to rest on the sidewalk benches and watch their little bundle of joy happily jumping and running from one place to another.

But as Tae roamed across the street, his cheerful melody faltered, replaced by a frown of confusion. Across the way, in a house that loomed like a dark shadow against the setting sun, he spotted a sight that made his heart ache.

Through the tattered curtains of the house, Tae caught a glimpse of a child much like himself, huddled in a corner with tears streaming down her face. The sound of raised voices and crashing objects filled the air, sending shivers down Tae's spine.

Instinctively, Tae approached the house, his curiosity mingled with concern. He pushed open the rusty gate and crept closer, his eyes wide with trepidation.

As he peered through the window, Tae's heart broke at the scene before him. A family torn apart by anger and pain, their faces contorted with rage and despair. Harsh words flew like daggers, leaving wounds that would never fully heal.

In that moment, Tae felt a surge of empathy for the child trapped within those walls. He longed to reach out, to offer comfort and solace in their time of need. But he knew that he was just a child himself, powerless to intervene in the face of such darkness.

With a heavy heart, Tae turned away from the house, his footsteps slow and heavy. Never in his life he has encountered something so sad. 

When he saw his parents waiting for him, he immediately ran towards them hugging them tightly and trying to forget the heartbreaking scene from his mind. Little Tae being tired from all the chaos slept peacefully in his parent's arm.

The Kim family with their sleeping baby proceeded to return back to their home.

Anyone who saw them could feel the love of this family







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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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