Chapter 7 - tete a tete

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Greensville is one of the popular Beaumont areas with a lot of land for snowboarding. On this fateful cold morning in Greensville, Trevor was staring out his window and thinking about snowboarding at one of the area's well-known snowboarding locations.

He watched the snow-covered, bare trees quiver in the icy wind. The entire sky was obscured like a veil by the cirrostratus cloud. He recalled the times on Boulevard when they used to spend their family staycations at their father's snowboarding resort. The mayor's only sister, Lady Rose, was one of the extended family members they occasionally invited, and they always had a great time.

Trevor also nearly lost his life while attempting to drive his dad's brand-new Subaru truck on one of those staycations. Despite losing control of the Subaru beast, a large obstacle stood in the Subaru's way, as good fate would have it. He was barely eighteen when it happened, and it was one of the scariest times in his life. The memory sent a shiver down his spine, and he gave a forceful shake of his head as if he were trying to push away a bad thought.
Trevor rubbed his palms together, warming them as he breathed in the crisp morning air. Almost a week had passed since his birthday, and he still hadn't had time to open some of the presents. Gently, he made his way to his storage room, hoping to open the last few gifts before heading out for the day. His gaze landed on the blue-wrapped gift that had Ashley's name written on it in very small letters, as though the giver meant to keep it hidden. He pulled it off and ripped it apart and inside was a framed artwork featuring a large, colorful bird outside a cage.

He was pleased that someone was thoughtful enough to gift him artwork. In Boulevard, art was regarded as one of the priciest gifts one could give someone. Masterworks of art were sold for thousands of dollars and cost enormous sums of money. He admired the artist's painting style, which resembled the fauvism associated with Henri Matisse but was distinct. The artwork was signed in calligraphy and bore the name Eddy. He reasoned that since Katie had been complaining about the house's drab appearance, maybe he could get the artist to add some artwork. There was no contact information on the artwork, but he was certain the gift was from Ashley. He, however, needed to confirm with Katie.

A tap on the room's main entrance jolted him back. He placed the artwork on the vanity table and proceeded to see who was at the door. He looked through the peephole and caught a glimpse of the elderly chief keeper's visage through the peephole before unlocking the door.
"I hope I did not disturb your morning, Mister!" he said.
"Certainly not, Mister Hull. What has brought you here so early?"
"The mayor has requested that you meet him at the lounge."
"I see. I hope he's well," Trevor inquired, his face troubled.
"He is perfectly fine. He's enjoying the frigid winter morning with a hot chocolate." He smiled.
"Good. I'll be there in a flash. Do you happen to know if Katie has started her day?"
"I have not heard her early morning piano. She is probably still resting."
"OK, OK. Please bring me some hot chocolate to the lounge as well."
"Sure. I will". Mister Hull nodded in agreement and left.
Trevor had been in the company of his father for a few days now. He had a growing concern about his father's emotional decline, which was disturbing. The mayor feared that he had little time to complete his tasks. The mayor had taken hormone therapy to help with his problem, but he was worried that his time was running out. Trevor had never seen his father in such a state; he remembered him as a strong-willed man who made sure he accumulated as much cash as he could while still young. He slipped his hands into mittens as well as his legs into scuff slippers. He hummed happily as he ascended the stairs to the lounge. He approached his father on the rocking chair, his smoke pipe in the corner of his mouth.
"Your neighborhood is serene."
"Yes, father. Maybe because it's winter."
"Yes. I am sure there will be more life after winter. I heard Greensville also has many snowboarding locations."
"I was just thinking about visiting one of the popular locations. Tricia has recommended a few, and I would love to visit them."
Mister Hull approached with Trevor's drink and handed it over.
"Mister Hull?"
"Yes, mayor."
"I would love you to prepare my baggage for departure. I have arranged to move back to Boulevard this afternoon."
Trevor who had already held the mug to his lips, released it gently to react to his father's request.
"I thought you were planning on tomorrow, father? What caused the abrupt change in plans?"
"Son, something came up. Uncle Pat would have taken care of it, but I think it would be better with me present."
"I see. Is this why you've called me so early?" Trevor inquired, crossing his legs to improve his relaxation on the sofa.
"Partly. You may leave us, Mister Hull," the mayor indicated Mister Hull, who was in the middle of them, was not entirely certain that his presence was no longer required.
"I'm going to ask you a troubling question to which I'm not sure that I'm prepared for your response."
Trevor's heart thumped when the mayor paused. His father was making him nervous. He raised his back from the sofa to maintain a more upright posture while listening.
"Tell me, son, how prepared are you to take over the David fortune?"
Trevor leaned back on the sofa. He hadn't expected his father to go so far.
"Sometimes our fear of death prevents us from making the necessary preparations for it. I do not want such a situation for David's treasures. It's a legacy that must be passed down, and I need you to be ready to take up the mantle. We won't get anywhere if we avoid the question of whether you are ready to take over at any time. I have, therefore, been considering setting up everything for you to come down to Boulevard and be under our supervision in that regard."
"But father, I just moved here. Moreover, nobody is dying."
"You should stop being sentimental and oblivious to the truth, as I have recommended on multiple occasions. But what is the truth, exactly? The truth is that I may never be as strong as I need to be to maintain and increase the family's wealth," the mayor took a breather and observed Trevor's countenance before continuing, "and the earlier we accept this fact, the better for all of us. Death is terrifying, but we all have to die and leave all the people we care about behind. The only thing that will matter is how well we prepared those we left behind to carry on our legacy on Earth. So, I ask again, how prepared are you?"
Trevor was unable to respond right away. His father's question shook him to his core. Despite his father's constant busy schedule, they always shared a natural bond. Throughout his life, Mr. David has prioritized his family and made time for his kids. Trevor knew his father was dead serious and had his things planned out already.
"Father, I need time to think about this. Your situation is not a death sentence. It's just a stage one- "
"That could progress quickly, remember?" The mayor interrupted. "What is meant to happen will happen regardless of hope."
"Father, let me think. I do not know if I am ready for this".
"It's all right to think. But I have let you know my consideration. So far, I am not yet convinced you have a woman close to your heart. That's something else we should talk about later, because being successful requires you to have a woman near and dear to you to frighten away other women who might try to distract and seduce you while you're working. Son, I'll leave you alone, so you can consider whether you're ready to succeed. David's digital chain is but a small portion of the entire iceberg. Now that I have the strength, I should drill you. You need to be drilled."
"Thank you, father. I'll let you know what I think as soon as I can."
"Great," the mayor replied with a great sense of relief.

The New Guy; My neighbour Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ