Why won't Zara wear her Hug Time Bracelet?

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Question from @DreamLighting , sorry for not answering for a while, originally I meant for it to be a secret until I finished the 3rd book, but right now I don't have the time.

If you don't want a story, an explanation was written after the story, you should be able to see it!


Story Version:

"But Grandma... I wanna go with you and Branch!"

A young Zara had said, sitting on a chair with a bandaged leg.

"But Zara, you're injured. I don't think you can come with us today."

Grandma Rosiepuff said, holding a basket as Branch stood beside her. Zara frowned, crossing her arms. Rosiepuff sighed, figuring she would feel lonely if they just left her here with nothing to do.

So, Rosiepuff placed the basket down, and approached Zara. Then she gave her her hug time bracelet.

"Here, you can have this while we're gone so you won't feel lonely."

Rosiepuff said as Zara held the bracelet in her hands.

"We'll be back soon, just stay here, ok Zara?"

She said, opening the door with Branch following her. Zara nodded her head, and Rosiepuff and Branch went out the door, leaving Zara alone.

She observed the bracelet for a while, then decided to wear it, it was a bit loose but it was fine. She wanted to follow them, but her leg still hurt a bit, so she had no choice but to stay where she was.

(After a while)

Zara's wound has been healing well, she had stood up to walk around, since she could now walk with less to no pain at all.

Then she heard the door open, and she carefully but hurriedly walked to the door, expecting to see her Grandma and Branch.

But instead she saw a grey Branch and an adult Troll outside, who probably escorted him back. She wanted to ask about Grandma, but seeing how grey Branch was, she could only assume the worst.

Branch saw Grandma Rosiepuff's hug time bracelet around Zara's wrist, and he started tearing up again, thinking of what he had witnessed.

Zara quickly walked over to him wanting to ask what was wrong, but she didn't want to make it worse, so instead she just hugged him.

(Another while later)

Branch was in his room, since he needed some space. Zara sat at the mainroom, thinking for a bit. She stared at the hug time bracelet on her wrist. She couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened to Grandma Rosiepuff, the possibilities were endless.

So she went to her room, and hid the bracelet in an old box. Keeping the bracelet but not planning to wear it in the future.

(After the events of Trolls 1)

Zara was in her room while Branch and Poppy were at the village. She decided to clean her stuff since she finally had the motivation to do so. (Sanaol beh.)

While she was cleaning, she found an old box, which she would use to keep valuable items. She looked into the box and found a lot of things.

Some of these things included a birthday card her brothers gave her when she was really young, a book Clay had given her, a wilted flower crown Floyd made for her, and a picture of her, Branch, and Grandma.

But at the bottom of the box.. was Grandma's hug time bracelet that she gave to Zara before she...

Zara looked at the bracelet for a moment, before wearing it around her wrist. Before, whenever she would look at it, she would feel sad about Grandma's death.

But now, after what happened with the Bergens, she had gained a new purpose, to live her life happilly with her brother and his possible soon-to-be-girlfriend. (She saw right through Branch, seeing the way he looked at Poppy a while after the event)

Instead of dwelling about the ones that they lost, focus on the future, and be there for each other. Care for and protect each other, while they were on their own.

That's what Grandma would have wanted.


Explanation Version:

Before Grandma Rosiepuff got taken by a Bergen, Zara had an injured leg from playing around, so she had to stay behind.

However, she didn't wanna be left alone, so Grandma Rosiepuff gave Zara her hug time bracelet, to keep her company while she and Branch went to go get the laundry.

When Branch went back home alone, Zara approached him while wearing Grandma's hug time bracelet on her wrist, but seeing as Branch was colored grey instead of his usual blue, she assumed something bad happened to Grandma.

After that, Zara couldn't wear the bracelet without thinking of Grandma, and also so she wouldn't trigger bad memories for Branch whenever it chimed.

But after Branch got his colors back, Zara started wearing it again, in memory of Grandma Rosiepuff, and instead of the bracelet making her feel sad, she pushed forward with her life, to be there for her brother as he was there for her.

That's what Grandma would have wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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