the more you grow

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They all say that everything gets better
It gets better the more you grow
And the more you get to see life

They tell me i'm too young for everything
And that I dont need to stress out
They tell me i'm too young to know what love is

But I know who I want to love
I know who I want to be
And no one seems to understand it
I just...
I cant seem to make them believe in me

They tell me my dreams are too big for the little city i'm in
They tell me i'm too shy to be known
They tell me i'm to stubborn to write stories

So what Ill just have to wait and grow and see how my life is supposed to work?

I'm only a teen
I know that
But it just scares me to grow and to see whats gonna happen

What if I wanna stay young and just keep on dreaming

I know my dreams are too big
I know i'm too shy
And I do know my writing is not that good

So growing up is just gonna make me lose all hopes in my dreams
And its gonna make me even more anxious

So does it really gets better the more you grow?

Or is it all just being said to make me hopefull?

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