
124 29 11

New York ,USA

The meeting wraps up smoothly, and I take a moment to thank everyone for their contributions. As the employees begin to file out, lisa approaches me saying....

Ma'am , these are some documents ,they need your your signature for the new project ....

Hm ...ok I'll....btw are you done with the files I've given you in the morning?

Um No ma'am.... actually...

And ...when do you think you'll finish them?! Cause as far as I remember I've told you to get them done till noon and it's evening now !!

Sorry ma'am !

Your sorry isn't getting the work done Ms.lisa . I want you to give more importance to the work rather than gossipping and bitching around the office. Am I clear?

Y-Yes ma'am. I'll get the files in your cabin .

Good for you !

I stepped into my cabin , when my phone lit up with my Mom's name flashing on the screen. I declined it knowing that it's again about their some businesses party I might have to attend (not because they want me to but because it's about their so called reputation) which I'm definitely not interested in .

I am Elena Mehra . A 25 year old independent too hot to handle girl . Currently living in New York with my so called parents who are not even one percent interested in their daughter .

Well , they never were , during my childhood my legal guardian was my grandmother in India where I studied in a boarding school and after she died I was brought here by my parents. Though it was too because they have no other way .

Even if I have lived with my parents I never got the love and attention a child craves or deserves from their parents. I was left looking at them with longing in my eyes all my life and maybe still !

Life lately being a little bitch to me but I am bitchier . Being a straight - shooter, I'm not someone to sugarcoat things; but someone to get stuff done and take no prisoners along the way.

Closing my eyes briefly, I took a deep breath.As the clock struck the end of the workday. I gathered my belongings with a sense of relief and left for Kiara's house.

Hufff ! Running up a company is not so easy as I've thought .

All the big decisions comes with some bigger responsibilities , like a big decision of starting my own fashion house and working your ass off to reach the heights...at least I'm happy achieving everything with my own capability . Sigh!

Elena Mehra

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Elena Mehra

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