Whos the New girl?

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(The pic is Emma imagine her how you want But this is how I see her!)

---------------Emma's POV----------------
The twins led me through the front door and towards the office , as I walked through the halls I heard people whisper things like "Who's the new chick?" "Damn since when did we get hotties here?" The boys girlfriend I'm guessing smacked him upside the head I chuckled."Wow she's pretty". That's when's I heard some ass yell"Hey hot stuff do u believe in love at first sight or should I walk bye again?!" He said high giving his buddies high fives, I imagined myself turning around kicking him where the sun doesn't shine , but I told myself to just stay calm because I didn't want to have a reputation. When we walked in the office Caitlyn said "Just ignore them there a bunch of idiotic teen boys who just try act cool.". "Wow I wonder where they learned there not so smooth moves." We all laughed then I walked up to the front desk " Uh hi I'm new here and I needed my schedule My names Emma Parks." The office lady nodded and pulled a paper out of a filing cabinet then handed it to me saying " here you are and your locker number and combination are on the back." I thanked her then turned back and headed out into the halls. The twins said they had to go to their lockers were in the opposite direction so they hugged me and told me they'd text me later and walked away.

When I reached my locker number 344 I did the combination and the door swung open I started emptying the contents of my book bag into my locker.

-----------------Sam's POV----------------
I closed my locker door and looked to my right that's when I noticed a familiar brunette standing with exactly 6 lockers in between us...Emma. I smiled to myself at the thought of having Emma so close I noticed she was looking down at a piece of paper confused , that must be her schedule. I walked over to her and tazed her( if you don't know what that is that's when u use ur pointer and middle fingers and jab them into the sides of someone if u haven't tried it kinda hurts and tickles) She jumped then spun around when she spun around she looked at me "Sam.." she started then stopped. "Emma..." I copied she just laughed and rolled her eyes. "So do you need help figuring your schedule out?" I gestured to the paper in her hands she nodded handing it to me. I scanned her schedule then said "alright we have the same home room Mrs.Dalver then we have 3rd, lunch,5th,6th period and gym together."She smiled "Alright well to homeroom!" She yelled pulling my wrist in the completely wrong direction.I groaned "Emma where going the wrong way" she laughed "Hey I was guessing now to homeroom!!!" She yelled jumping on my back I laughed and walked all the way to homeroom with Emma on my back.

Hey ya'll I hope your enjoying thie story so far don't forget to comment what ya think! Sorry I'm dragging the school day out I just kinda tend to go into a lot of detail.Tell me if u want longer chapters!
Do u think Emma and Sam are gonna be more than friends?
How do u think Emma's school day will go?
Have a great day! *mwah*

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