Mount Rageous Competition!

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Today Eichi called Risa over to the Student Council Room to talk to her in private. She wondered what Eichi wants especially in private. So when she reached to student council room she knocked on the door.

Eichi: *He looks up*  Come in.

Risa: *She then comes in* Hey Eichi, you said you wanted to speak to me?

Eichi: Yes! Please come on in!

Risa: *She goes in*  So what is that you wanted to talk to me about?

Eichi: I wanted to speak to in private because I would like to do a Duo Unit with you!

Risa: An Duo Unit just me and you?! Like how Eden does?

Eichi: Yes. Are you willing to accept it?

Risa: Yes Of course!

Eichi: Great! But we will need a name for our Duo Unit....

Risa: Hm...Ah! How about Luminous!

Eichi: Luminous hm...Wow, that's perfect! I love it! Luminous! That's really fitting for us since we always brighten each other’s lives and bring light into each other’s paths, right? Also, it shows that we're a brighter, shinier unit. Luminous is definitely a fitting name for our duo! Not a bad idea! I wanted to form a Duo Unit so we could be an even match for Eve in the Mount Rageous Competition.

Risa: Oh makes sense...

Eichi: Yes! And we'll be the first couple unit ever!

Risa: You're really excited about this aren't you?

Eichi: Of course I am! This'll be our first time singing as a Duo rather than with rest of fine.  *He then walks up to her and takes her hands*  You and I will win this Competition right?

Risa: Yes we will.

Eichi: Risa...I love you...

Risa: I love you too Eichi.

Eichi's hand goes at the back of her head with his other hand on her waist and then he leans in to kiss her on the lips. Risa kissed him back and placed her hands on his chest. They kissed for a while and then finally let go.

Eichi: Say...Can you make new outfits for our Duo Unit?

Risa: Yes I can! I'm sure you'll love them!

Eichi: Great can't wait for tonight!

Risa: Me too!

Eichi: *He immediately gets excited* So we'll combine our voices and perform? That would be amazing! We'll be a completely different duo since we do have the same skill level and have similar personalities. Do you have any songs you're thinking of using or making for the unit?

Risa: Yes sure... *She goes into her bag and gets out a paper with the lyrics of her song Sweet Dreams*  Here!

Eichi: *He takes the paper and begins reading the lyrics*
Sweet dreams... That's a very fitting title for this... Oh, the chorus is gorgeous! It's catchy and sounds perfect for an idol song... It seems that you put a lot of thought into this!

Risa: Yes indeed I did!

Eichi: *He continues reading through the song's lyrics*
Hm, the lyrics are also very heartfelt, just like you. It even has some very deep yet relatable meanings...

Risa: I thought it would be fitting for me and you...don't you think?

Eichi: *He finishes reading the lyrics and smiles at Risa*
Oh absolutely! This is a beautiful song and the lyrics even fit our relationship as a duo! If you haven't shown me this yet, I never would've thought you were this talented at songwriting. How could I not say yes to performing this song as a duo?

Risa: *She smiles*

Eichi: *He smiles brilliantly* Well, it's settled then! We'll be named "Luminous" and our song is "Sweet Dreams"~! I'm so glad we're able to become a duo unit so quickly! You wouldn't believe how ecstatic I am right now!

Risa: Eichi...are you free after school today?

Eichi: *He checks his schedule* Yes actually, I am free after school today.

Risa: Great! Since we're going to be a Duo Unit for the Mount Rageous Competition...I would like to practice with you...

Eichi: *He smiles* Wow, a request to practice together from you so soon? That's amazing! It really shows that you're not wasting any time at all and you're taking this seriously.

Risa: Yes! We have to beat Eve don't we?

Eichi: Yes you are correct! Alright we will meet up in the Soundproof Practice Room after school today okay.

Risa: Okay! See you after school Eichi~♡

Eichi: See you my dear Risa~♡

Later during the Mount Rageous Competition, After Hiyori and Jun's performance, Risa and Eichi were performing their duet song together. They sounded so insync together. Their voices sounded absolutely stunning together and they both won the Mount Rageous Competition!

 Their voices sounded absolutely stunning together and they both won the Mount Rageous Competition!

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