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I've always been a strong believer in love. A very strong believer in fate for that manner. Throughout my whole I had this one set dream of finding my soulmate and we would live happily ever after just like in the All changed at the thought of going to college. Nothing could prepare me for the tension of enrolment and even finding out before hand whether I would even get in. I was told during my GCSEs to focus and study in the subjects that I knew I would do good in a scrap the subjects that I knew I'm shit at as there would be no point in me waisting that time by various different people around me. My parents: Piper and Scott are very accomplished in their professions. Piper did a series of accounting qualification and was very successful within that field however she gave it up when she became pregnant with me. Scott however was very good at finding problems with computers and getting paid to fix them. In a way you could say I had a usual upbringing. Well apart from both my parents working all the time so I was practically raised by my nan who I loved more than both my parents combined.

GCSEs were stressful enough on their own however with the aftermath of the world known covid pandemic it added more stress to the fire. We received no help or advice whilst we were working from home and had no way to get any information about whether or not what we were doing was right but if we used the internet we get marked down. It was a touch t8me for everyone however this really impacted me. I really struggled for those two years. Being an only child and having both your parents as key workers is tough. You spend 24/7 in your room writ in with no one to talk to and you can't go outside. That will change and scar a person because it's the feeling of pure desolation that overwhelms you. I'm one of the lucky ones because when I did eventually contact Covid it was serious enough to be hospitalised I only lost my smell and taste which was very interesting. However we push through you know. The urge to be perfect and the grades that I needed to get for college were what was driving me to move on the whole time. I lost a few family members during covid and I wanted to do well in honour of them.

Come results day and I am scared I tell you absolutely scared. My mate at the time Hayley , we both agreed that we were going to hang out at her house for a bit and then we were going to walk to our school and grab our results which were in these little white envelopes. We then planned on going straight to my mums car and I would open mine then and hay,ey would open hers back at her place. I tell you I've never been so scared in all of my life I was absoloutky screaming inside. When we got our results mine took ages as my last name is a bit near the end of the alphabet we ran and I mean we ran as fast as we could out of there. We got back to the car and my mum was crying and to this day I don't know why but I opened my results... my first biggest concern was my math grade the subject I knew I was going to have to raise t because it's one of my weakest to my surprise I got a 4 I passed. I then counted up all of my fours (there was a lot) and I found out I just had enough to get into Barclay College. I was crying and hugging Hayley I was so overwhelmed with emotion.

So now let's skip ahead of time a little bit up into enrolment day the day that I had been dreading for quite a while. Colleges always seem so intimidating on the tt shows I watch and I was scared about this massive change.  So the first problem that I faced was navigating the campus which was incredibly easy based on the signs and long story short I got my lanyard and was now an official member of Barkley College. I know that sounds quick but the process was just based around the courses I wanted to take and any clubs I wanted to join. Now here I am filling you in on my life. My name is Alicia Green and this is my story filled with struggles, desires and lust I hope you enjoy reading about the truth of a college student and just what it entailed for the rest of your desires.

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