Chapter 7

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Since Herobrine was not something they could talk about in public, Steve and Clara agreed to meet at his house. Herobrine was munching on bread, completely oblivious of their conversation. They sat on opposite sides of the table. Steve sat on one end of the table, staring firmly at the wood grain to avoid making eye contact with Clara. Her expression was hard and her arms were crossed across her chest.

"I'm sure you want some answers," Steve finally said.

"Yes, that would be nice," Clara crossed her arms.

Steve sighed as he figured out where to begin. "Well, he is what you think he is. He's Herobrine."

"But how!? Herobrine isn't a kid!" Clara exclaimed.

"Well, clearly he is now. I don't know everything about his situation, but I think someone killed him and he respawned down in the mines where we found him. I think when he respawned, he lost all his memories. He's not the psychopath he used to be." Steve glanced down at Herobrine, who had now pulled out the paper he was doodling on before they left and resumed his drawing. He still seemed unaware of what Steve and Clara were talking about.

"I can't believe he's been living in you house. Especially after... well, what he did to you," Clara said.

Steve winced from the painful memories. "I'll be honest, it hasn't been easy." Steve looked back down at the table. "Every time I look at him, it reminds me of that night," he admitted.

Clara put her hand on his, and he looked back up at her sympathetic gaze. "If you want, I could take him off your hands. It's just cruel for you to have to keep him around," she offered.

"No, no. Thank you, Clara, but I can't. If he were to ever regain his memories, it would put you and your entire family at risk. I don't want you or your husband carrying around the same grief that I do. I don't want you to have to live like I do." Steve bit his lip to prevent the tears building up in his eyes from falling. "Besides, I, er... I contacted the Netherwalkers."

Clara froze. "But... Steve... they'll kill him."

"I know."

Clara glanced at Herobrine who was still blissfully unaware of what was being said about him. She looked back at Steve, who refused to make eye contact with her. "Steve, you can't be serious. He's just a kid!"

"That doesn't change who he is or what he did," Steve argued. "I'm sorry, Clara, but I don't have any sympathy for him."

Clara could tell from the pain in Steve's dark blue eyes that he was telling the truth. He truly didn't care about what happened to Herobrine. She glanced at Herobrine then looked back at Steve with a sneer. "That child never did anything to you, the monster he used to be did. He doesn't deserve to die for crimes he never committed against you."

"Well, what am I supposed to do!?" Steve demanded. "Just sit around and wait for him to get his memories back and kill me!? I don't have a choice in the matter, Clara. I know that this isn't very ethical, but I don't know what else to do." Steve looked back down at the table. A sliver of guilt rose in his chest. The truth was, he did feel guilty about sentencing a child to death, but that guilt would probably be easier to live with than the grief he already drags around.

Clara hesitated, realizing just how bad this situation was for Steve. She put her hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at her. "I am so sorry this happened to you," she said sincerely. "You don't deserve any of this. I guess all I can do for you is help you if you need it. You know where to find me."

Steve gave her a weak smile. "Thank you, Clara. You're a better friend than what I could ask for."

"Of course. But I better get going, Jackson is probably wondering where I am." Clara stood up. "I wish you luck with all this. I just hope that whatever you decide to do, it's the right decision."

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