One-Winged Cupid

166 3 16


Requested By: Plherald
(A/n): Thank you for this wonderful idea. I hope I do it justice!)


Hopesong wasn't a love expert like her aunt Bobby Bearhug. Bobby was the cupid of the group she could sense love from a mile away. Hopesong was always enamored by the concept of romance even though she didn't really understand it when she was younger. So Bobby decided to mentor Hopesong in the ways of love.

Now, Hopesong had a dilemma that would prove all of the training Bobby had her do was worth it. (Y/n) and Dogdays mind numbing pinning for one another. It was so obvious that the two loved each other the longing glances, the flustered expressions when they snuggled together, and the nicknames these two were practically a married couple and were totally oblivious to this fact.

Well, luckily, Valentines Day was around the corner, and she would become their cupid. She would no longer stand by and watch these two oblivious adults eating their feelings. She would get them to confess their love for each other, and she had just the plan to do so.

But she needed help, and she knew just the toys who could help her get these two pinning love birds to finally confess.


"Alright, you ready to prepare the most romantic dinner for Papa and (Y/n)?" Hopesong tied on an apron while Poppy hummed, looking at the picture Hopesong made."Are you sure you wanna do all this? They'll probably fumble or dance around the subject. " Hopesong grinned."Don't worry, I have everything covered. " Poppy smiled, nodding her head in approval."Alright then, come on, little ones, let's get the table ready." The small toys got to work grabbing a white table cloth, flower petals, and candles.

Hopesong went into the kitchen and got to work, making the dinner and dessert. She remembered what Aunt Picky Piggy taught her when in the kitchen. With this knowledge, she made spaghetti with meatballs and marinara sauce, then a red velvet cake in the shape of a heart with chocolate frosting.

Hopesong walked out and saw the table was all set. The white cloth was neatly laid on top, the silverware was neatly placed on both ends of the table, the chairs were ready to be sat on, and the candles flickered and danced on the candles in the middle. Hopesong smiled and put the plates down. Everything was ready.

"Alright! Now it's time to bring the two love birds! You already have your fake emergency ready?" Poppy smirked mischievously."Of course I do," and with that, the two went to find their respective bird while the little ones finished up placing the rose petals.

Nothing could go wrong it was too perfect of a plan.


(Y/n) rushed into the house the same time Dogday did, "ARE YOU OKAY!?" They both said in unison before giving confused looks."Hopesong told me you were hurt!" (Y/n) exclaimed while Dogday shook his head."Poppy told me YOU were hurt!" They both stopped when they saw the candlelight dinner waiting for them.

They both stared at it for some time before both of their faces turned red as tomatoes. "D-did you prepare this?" (Y/n) said in their flustered state, and Dogday responded the same way,"N-no uh did you?" (Y/n) shook their head no as the two continued to stare, unsure of whether or not to sit down.

Hopesong and Poppy watched from upstairs, and Hopesong shook her head. This was going to be more difficult than she originally thought. "They are both like bumbling fools just sit down and enjoy the night," Poppy whispered in frustration.

Hopesong scratched the back of her head. "They just need a small nudge, is all," she quietly clapped, and the little ones got to work. Small Huggy Wuggys nudged the two to sit down in their respective seats, the cat bees poured their wine glasses with red wine, and the Bron turned on some classical music to set the mood.

The two supposed adults became even more flustered, not sure what to do. (Y/n) gulped and decided to be the one to break the awkward silence. "Sooooo..How was hunting," Dogday took a moment to register their question sputtering before clearing his throat. "Oh! Uh, it was good. I found a couple of deers and a fox and.." The two started to actually talk, giving Hopesong some hope that these two would finally confess their feelings.


Poppy and Hopesong watched the two laugh and flirt it was going so well. Once dinner was done, the little ones brought out the cake and swapped their dirty plates with clean ones, including the silverware. This was it the time the two adults finally confessed their feelings.

And they completely screwed it up

"Y-Ya, you're my best friend!" Dogday said his face completely bright red (Y/n) nodded swiftly."Yes, ha ha! That's right, just best friends!" Ok, that did it.

"Oh, come on!" Hopesong exclaimed, catching Poppy, (Y/n), and Dogday off guard "Me and Poppy went through all this trouble to get you two to confess your feelings since it is SUPER OBVIOUS you two love eachother and you can't even do that!? Come on, you two have nicknames for each other! You flirt with each other! You snuggle together! and you two stare longingly at each other! So why not just say you love each other!" Hopesong breathed heavily before sulking into her room, defeated.

Poppy made a 'pop' sound with her lips and looked at (Y/n) and Dogday "congrats you two broke Hopesongs patience" Dogday and (Y/n) looked at each other and sighed "She...Has a point Dogday...Maybe we should stop lying to ourselves?" Dogday nodded in agreement."Ya.. It would be for the best that we make it up to her after all she did for us. " Poppy smiled at them. Maybe they weren't so hopeless after all.

Hopesong laid in bed, her face buried into her pillow while BB braided her hair. Her ear twitched when she heard a knock at the door, and she slowly got up to answer it. Once she opened it, she was immediately pulled into a hug by (Y/n) and Dogday. "Sorry we made you go through all that work just to get us to finally stop pinning" (Y/n) spoke softly and Dogday nodded "It wasn't fair to put all that pressure on you ,my little pegasus." Hopesong was shocked but hugged them back."No... I'm sorry for snapping. I just...I really wanted you two to confess so you would be happy..Instead I ruined everything.." Hopesong looked at the ground ashamed.

(Y/n) chuckled, "Actually, you helped me gain the courage to finally express my feelings." Dogday gave a confused look about to speak when (Y/n) pulled him into a kiss. Hopesong gasped and squealed happily while Dogday returned the kiss. Once the kiss ended, Dogday promptly passed out, his face completely red, and steam coming out of his head.

Who knew that all these two pinning birds needed was a one-winged cupid?

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