A Lover's Famous Last Words

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In the waning light of a crimson sky,
Where whispers of love bid the day goodbye,
The famous lover, with one last breath,
Speaks words of farewell, like a dance with death.

His voice, a melody, soft and serene,
Echoes through time, a haunting scene.
For he, whose heart knew passion's flame,
Now stands alone, calling out her name.

"Adieu, my love, though we must part,
Your memory forever etched in my heart.
In every whisper of the wind, your voice I'll hear,
In every star that shines, your light so clear.

Though fate may tear us from each other's arms,
Our love will endure, through all life's harms.
For in the tapestry of time, our threads entwine,
Bound together, in this love divine.

Oh, how I long to hold you near,
To chase away every doubt and fear.
But destiny's hand has drawn us apart,
Leaving only memories, etched in my heart.

I'll cherish each moment, each stolen kiss,
Every embrace, every moment of bliss.
For in your arms, I found my home,
A sanctuary from the world's harsh tone.

So let this be my final plea,
For you to remember, to always see.
That though our time together may be brief,
Our love will transcend, beyond belief.

And when the stars above begin to fade,
And the memories of us begin to wane,
Know that I'll be waiting, on the other side,
With open arms, and love as our guide.

So farewell, my love, until we meet again,
In a world where love knows no end.
For in that moment, we'll be together at last,
Bound by a love that's steadfast and vast."

With these words, the famous lover's voice did fade,
Lost to the echoes of the night's cascade.
But his love lived on, in hearts that dared to dream,
Of a love so pure, it could make the heavens gleam.

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