The End

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Holy crap im a bad writer,no like srs why are you guys reading this? for the plot? i dunno


"F-Felix?" There was a noise,short of a whimper and the rustle of bed sheets..

Cry's POV

I looked around slightly,and swore as my eyes ached with a burn. I was surrounded by pitch black... There was a click, and there was a bright light. I hissed at the light as my eyes adjusted to the blinding. Various voices popped in to my head,and as much as I wish I could, I couldn't push them away.

I wish I could just die....

No, fuck.

That's how I got here in the first place. I tried to make various noises.

Trying to groan while placed in IVs and such, was the hardest task to do so far.

Other than trying to stay alive. Which I was failing at so far.

I curled my toes. Tried to do at least. Cursing and muttering to myself, I, then realised I have almost no control of the body that looked cunningly like me. I stared hard down at the limp, cold, and weak body.

The one that I, until now,called myself.

I know I make it sound like hell.

But its wasn't, it was reassuring if anything. Floating above me. Feeling like an angel.

I was anything but an angel.

I looked over to the right as I saw movement, and felt myself go into a slow motion.

Kinda funny, I thought to myself before I hit the floor with a thud and the feeling of spikes through every part of my body-

Every part of my being, ripped to shreds.


lol no I'm not finishing this until next year

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