Whining & cuddles ⭐

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This oneshot will contain male periods, Jisung doesn't have a boypussy. in this story men can get periods, and get pregnant, no mpreg in this oneshot. they have the same amount of pain, same amount of libido a woman produces during her days, cravings and etc. 

If you don't like the following, please skip ahead.

"Felixx~~" jisung sang, whining on the couch. 

You see, this morning Jisung had gone to the bathroom, only to realize his period had come. now he was on the couch whining and thrashing around to find a comfortable position, only for a cramp to hit in once again. 

The younger male had ran into the living room, only to find his boyfriend sobbing, clutching his lower abdomen from the extreme pain. 

"jisung? jisung baby are you okay" the blonde worriedly speaks up, running to the said male, only to recieve a few whines and cries. 

"hurts lixie-" the older sobs, clutching his stomach even harder, letting out a few groans, felix sat on the couch and quickly hugging him.

"period?" Felix questions, rubbing the squirrel man's back reassuringly, kissing his neck to calm him down a bit.

in response, jisung nods, letting out a quiet "mmhm" which felix could hear.

"come here sweetheart, lets get you in a warm bath" the blonde sits up, making the older whine but shutting him up as he immediately picks him up koala style. 

walking down the hall, and after tripping over their worried cats, the older sets jisung down on the counter. taking the woven bin of bath bombs and putting them in front of the cheeked male he asked "wanna pick one, beautiful?". the colourful bath bombs had distracted the older, picking a pink damask rose one to match with his rose and cinnamon body wash. 

"good choice bubs, do you wanna get undressed and hop in the bath for me princess?" the older asks, making sure the water wasn't hot nor cold as the older nods. "i'll go get your towels" he continues. Jisung lets out a small "okay", putting the pink bath bomb in and watching it dissolve.

He started undressing. slowly taking each piece of clothing off carefully only to realise his pants were all bloody from sitting on the sink counter, his eyes wander to see the counter drip with blood, it wasnt a lot but it sure made jisung panic and more emotional than before. 

slowly holding the clothing piece he takes his free hand and wipes his tears as he sniffs. the younger male came in the bathroom with a black towel, a small bottle of more rose essential oil and another bigger bottle of bubble bath soap.

with felix's protective boyfriend instincts he quickly runs up to him, cupping his chubby cheeks "whats wrong, love? is there something hurting you?" Jisung overwhelmingly sobs, trying to explain what happened, only for felix to quicly hug him and shushing him, knowing that talking would overwhelm him even more. 

"t-the co-counter..-  h-has blood o-on it..." he explains snuggling into the younger further, as an understanding boyfriend, felix immedietly sat him down in the tub, taking a paper towel and cleaning the sink as jisung slowly sinks down in the pink bubbly water.

after cleaning the counter and wiping it off he slowly kneels down to his sleepy boyfriend, washing him gently with a wet cloth and giving his head and cheeks kisses every now and then.

"feel better, beautiful?" he asks, not excepting an answer but a slight hum, which the squirrel-like male gives.

Han was never a verbal person during his periods, or really at all. he liked to take things easy during his days of the month, especially when he knew he could get stressed easily and communicating was simply too hard for him. felix knew that and tried to help him as much as he can. 

When the older was dozing off, felix picked him out of the bathroom, wrapping the black warm towel around him and sitting him on his bed 

"feel better darling?" he asked the tired male, he shook his head slighty and whined, a simple sign of 'no', and felix quickly understood it, drying him and putting a pair of black sweatpants and one of his own hoodies- which jisung always stole- making the older look absolutely adorable.

the smaller male lifted his arms up, signing the younger to pick him up and felix grabbed his thighs, hugging him koala style before walking to the living room (-and tripping over their worried cats, once again) 

he set him down on the L shaped couch, and jogged to the medium sized kitchen to make a cup of tea to settle the younger down, receiving a whine for the loss of touch.

"here you go, beautiful" felix puts down the cup, rushing quickly to go get a hot pad for his boyfriends abused abdomen before he whines even more.

he comes back, putting the bottle filled with boiling hot water inside of it on jisung's lower stomach.

"cuddles and a movie? please..?" the smaller asked opening up his arms- a way of inviting felix into his arms. 

"what movie do you want to watch bubs?" the blonde asks getting on the cream coloured couch and wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist and rubbing it reassuringly.

"barbie and the diamond castle.. please lixie?" he asks fumbling around the remote to open apple tv.

"of course, darling. even though i already knew what you were gonna pick anyway" he chuckles, recieving a giggle and a peck on the lips by the boy under him.

"hey ji?" he asks, intertwining their legs once again

"mhm..?" jisung answers half asleep, snuggling further- if that was even possible- into his boyfriends neck

"i love you"

i.. lov...- and he dozes off, as felix chuckles, pressing a long peck on his slightly open lips 


a little update, been so exhausted these past few months, dont even know how im keeping up anymore but decided to update since i havent updated this book in a while, please bare with me, im struggling to keep up with myself.

i actually thought of this idea a couple months ago when i had my period and had such intense pain i couldnt even walk haha. i had to go to the doctors but im okay and turns out its normal to go through such pain for some females. 

sooo... two new books coming soon !!! i know im not popular and im probably ranting to myself but im working on two new books called pizza boy and side effects !! so im really excited to start updating them !!

anyways, have a wonderful day !! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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