Reasons 1 and 2

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My phone sucks ass and deserves to be stepped on then thrown out of a window and shitted/shat on by birds because that unreliable, backstabbing, stomach-churning bitch turned on me when I needed her ass the most and now I have to use this goofy ass school Chromebook with go guardian. like wtf. I got blocked from Google for searching up "Steve Harvey" dumbass fucking robot.

Anyway, that's for another day if I live to see one.

This is why A.I can't fucking draw hands cuz it does stupid shit like this. Elon Musk or whoever the hell invented iPhones. Fix your shit or turn it into a Nokia because this is not it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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Why my phone sucks ass (because I cant make the title any longer.)Where stories live. Discover now