Wine Lady don't Whine

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Her platform boots clacked loudly against the wet pavement as she crossed the street, the moon bright and the sky poured like there was no tomorrow, Stevie could feel her permed hair drip down her forehead, unfortunately the shawl that she held over her head wasn't helping as she hoped. The night was lonely, no one was around this time, by this time she's in bed. Stevie was greeted by a man dressed elegantly who kindly opened the door as soon as he spotted her from the distance, giving a gentle nod and a grin Stevie rushed into the building realizing how wet her long skirt was, she'd leave trail marks of water if she walked any further. "You're late" A familiar voice spoke as Stevie tried to squeeze the soaked skirt on the entrance 'welcome' carpet, Stevie looked up to see Lindsey standing a couple feet away confused and shocked how wet she was "Yeah, I'm sorry" Stevie mumbled continuing to dry herself before walking any further. She and Lindsey had an argument last night, but that wasn't new to her nor him. You can feel the tense vibe between them in a room full of a crowd, it was that thing that people knew, even the band didn't have the idea but knew exactly what had happen, both often say no word to each other or speak to each other with an attitude during recording in the studio or giving honest opinions. Yes, they had ended it long ago, but getting over someone was difficult, it wasn't love anymore but more like a bruised heart, you're sad more than you're mad. And you're caring more than you're missing. The stage of holding a grudge has long been gone, the only thing was trying to fix their friendship, it was like they both knew exactly what the other was thinking, but stubborn to admit, acting naive to one another just seemed to make everything worse. The building had several rooms, and often Christine came here with the band to get together, the room Stevie walked in had a orange carpet, a beautiful chandelier that hung over her, one large table, the room gave a very psychedelic kind of vibe and brought her back to the 60's era, and since it was the first floor the Khaki curtains were pushed aside with the windows wide open, the pouring rain and soothing sound of thunder came into the room each minute, there was also two chairs sitting in front of the fire place, where Stevie and Lindsey would often sit on and talk. The room was already filled with people, friends, friends of friends, the crew and everyone that the band and Stevie knew, except for Christine, which of course was the main reason why everyone decided to gather. Stevie approached a table with a cake, Christine's name was on it and lots of bottle of wine. Stevie removed her wet lose floral printed blouse, underneath she revealed a dry tank top that revealed her back and lots of chest, it wasn't the perfect time to wear something so revealing during this night, although it was July tonight felt like October, the room made it much worse with it's extremely cool air conditioner. "Everything alright with you?" Lori asked. Stevie turned to find her standing behind her, holding a fancy glass of white wine. Stevie held her damped hair up into a bun and nodded before knowing how to answer, glancing over at Lindsey who seemed to have a pretty good night so far laughing along with Mick and the rest of the boys."I'm fine, Just exaughsted. Didn't get much sleep" Stevie replied over a deep sigh, Lori grinned and handed her the glass, Stevie looked at it and hesitated with a smirk."No thank you" "Come on, Relax a little. Sip" Lori encouraged with a smile that increased and brows that raised. Stevie took the glass, off guard Lori did not think Stevie would take huge gulps instead of small lady like sips. Handing it back Stevie released a very satisfying kind of sigh, it definitely hit the spot feeling the bubbly wine scratch down her throat, the burning sensation of good wine was felt in the center of her stomach, knowing Christine this was how she liked to party, and not only to party, it was almost a daily thing. Although Stevie rather drink smooth wine, tonight was indeed needed to break that. "She's here!" One shouted peeking his head into the room, the other rushed to turn off the lights, Stevie couldn't see much but felt Lori tug her arm and pulling her near the positioned crowd, the room was quiet and all you could hear was the rain dripping loudly against the window and outside on the pavement, the moon light beamed into the room only revealing shadows on the floor and a few half faces, one was Lindsey, who was standing next to her. These few first minutes felt like hours for Stevie, maybe it was because she was standing next to Lindsey, who knew after a break up that happened long ago would still affect the way she felt when she simply stood next to him. It wasn't as awkward like she thought, it was completely normal to feel awkward to be in the same room with someone you had just argued with, unless one of them decided to break the ice and apologize, then maybe it wouldn't be as this awkward, nor as this long to wait for Christine to walk into the room. Stevie being so lost into her own thoughts startled at the sound of everyone shouting "SURPRISE!" as soon as Christine walked in, laughing and blushing at what had been planned for her this entire time, everyone approached one by one to get a chance to hug her, Mick and his playful ways began to dance around and pop a few confetti over Christine's head. "You guys are so corny you know that" Christine said continuing to hug friends and family, finally Stevie was next to hold Christine with a much longer, tighter hug "Your skin is cold as ice Stevie" Christine scowled a bit, Feeling Stevie's bare back keeping her eye at her continuing to hug family members."I was soaked with the rain" Stevie said as soon as her attention was brought back to Lindsey who's turn was to hug Christine, but her eyes were quick enough to shift away behind her or anywhere else that did not include Lindsey's blue eyes. Lindsey paid no attention to Stevie who was obviously right beside Christine."Happy Birthday Chris" Lindsey muttered, kissing Christine on the cheek. Stevie walked to the table that was near behind her, popping a wine and pouring the sizzling wine into the huge glass, by the time she turned back Lindsey was across the room chatting, and Christine was now facing Stevie with a smile."Come on you can't say this whole table is for me, and that" Christine pointed behind her where a much smaller table sat at with much less bottles of wine "That is for me" Christine continued saying. Stevie smiled without a word and handed her the glass of wine that she had prepared for Christine and without hesitating Christine took the wine, sipping and delighted at it's sweet taste, taking a second sip her expression changed in a Pleasuring way"Good Lord, this is delicious" Christine uttered examining the very dark wine, holding the glass over and close towards her face. Stevie made a short shrug "All for you. Wine lady dont't whine"

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