Four Dimensional Dragons

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(Scene: The four dimensional dragons are gathered in the spirit realm of duel monsters)

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon: Hey, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, you're so hungry all the time. Are you sure you're not just a fusion of a dragon and a bottomless pit?

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: Oh please, Odd-Eyes. At least I have an appetite for victory. Unlike you, who can't decide whether you want to be a Pendulum or a Synchro monster. Talk about an identity crisis!

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon: Well, at least I can adapt to any situation. Unlike you, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, who always needs someone else's power to succeed. Can't you do anything on your own?

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon: Oh, Clear Wing, you may be able to adapt, but you're as fragile as a glass sculpture. One little crack, and you're done for. Maybe you should change your name to "Clear Wing Shatter Dragon."

Clear Wing glares at the Dark Rebellion which almost causes the two to start a fight but then Odd-Eyes stopped the two dragons by letting out its strong spiral flame strike up to the sky causing both dragons to not continue any further.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon: Alright, enough roasting each other. We're all powerful dragons in our own right. We're a team instead of tearing each other down. We must at least show our pride, our title as the Four Dimensional Dragons.

Every dragon except Odd-Eyes nodded to their words which Starving Venom agrees.

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: You're right, Odd-Eyes. We may have our differences, but I'll admit we do make an unbeatable team. Let's continue to focus on our strengths and conquer any duels that come to our way.

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon: Agreed! We're the epitome of dragon power. Let's soar through the skies and show the world of duel monsters what we're made of!

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon: Absolutely. We may be different, but we're united by our passion for battling and our determination. Let's continue to shine as the four dimensional dragons.


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