.+*Chapter One*+.

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"Blitzø, wake up"

Blitzø sleeping opened his eyes a little bit, enough to see a slim figure over him. But be still should the mysterious someone away.  "Go away you monster!" "Tis is your boyfriend you calling a master to." Suddenly, Blitzø opened his eyes fully, indeed seeing Stolas sitting down right next to the imp. "Oh, sorry Stols, I didn't recognize you." He said as he got up into a seating position. 

"It's quite alright dear. I had to make sure you didn't overslept for work." Blitzø nodded his head, but was confused soon after. "Hey, I thought my alarm clock would have gone off by now." "They did. All fifteen of them." Stolas said bluntly as he pointed to all the smashed clocks. "Hey! It's not my fault that I get soaked into your fluffy body and not wake up instead." Blitzø said defensively, but Stolas only hosted as he got up soon after. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Blitzø asked as he danged his legs from boredom. "Back downstairs to finish breakfast. I suggest you get out of be as well, because we both know how your white hair employee is." Blitzø only pouted at his boyfriend and rolled on the bed. 

"Fuck Moxxie, we can spend the day in bed watching Helluva-Novella." Blitzø said tirelessly, and Stolas only chuckled at him. "As much as I want to do that, we both have work to do, and so does the girls. Now, come on." Said imp only groaned as he got up out of the comfy bed. "Fine, but we're taking tomorrow off." "Whatever you say Darling."

As the two of them made it downstairs, they already saw Loona and Octavia sitting down at the table, mostly on their phones, but also eating at the same time. Blitzø immediately went over to Lonna to give her a hug, and see accepted. "Good morning my beautiful Loonie!" "Morning Dad." As Blitzø let go, he went to Via next. Morning Via!" She only smiled and waves at hin, an it was enough for Blitzø. Then, he went to sit down, completely satisfied. 

The satisfied look on his face changed when he popped some of the breakfast into his already watering mouth. "Fuck, this shit taste good!" "And to think that over a year ago he didn't know how to cook." Via said with food in her mouth. "Aww thanks y'all, but we need to finish up. Loona dear, you have the keys right?" "Yup, right here!" She said as she held them up. "Good make sure you two make it to the part safely. You know how I am with." Te two of them nodded their heads. 

"Blitzy, are you ready to go darling?" "In a second! I need to make sure that Mr. Sparkles and Lady Spoon are safe from the giant monster!" Stolas only walked into the living room, and found Blitzø playing with his pony collection. Stolas couldn't help but silently giggle at te scene. "And done! Let's go babe!" Blitzø said as he ran to the front door, grab his keys, said bye to the gils, and walked out the door with Stolas behind him. 

The second they got inside the van, they both took a breath as the doors closed. "What a morning, babe." Stolas only nodded his head in response. "But, I have my beautiful owl to share this morning with." Again, Stolas nodded his head, showing how tired he was. "Can we go grab some coffee. Forgot to make some earlier." "Sure, wouldn't mind one myself." Blitzø then put the keys in the ignition, and drove out of the driveway. 

While he was driving, Blitzø looked up at the sky, enjoying the fresh cooling hours of the morning, and just being happy, which was the first to him. He had a loving boyfriend, two beautiful adopted daughter's who ment the world to him, his closest friends like Fizz, Ella, and M&M. They were all there for him, and he was forever grateful for that. 

However, that didn't meant everything was all sunshine and rainbows for Stolitz. The two were still facing the criticism of not being in a same sex relationship, but the fact that Stolas was dating the bottom of the latter, aka Him. Stolas showed no affect of this, from what Blitzø could tell himself. But the negative stuff still affected him personally and emotionally, and even though he has tried to brush it off, there was still a part of him that still wasn't healed yet and still was broken. But for him, as long as Stolas, the girls, and everyone in his life was safe. 

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